But instead they need to change Retail to feel like classic. Proper enemy scaling so you don’t 2 shot things after you do LFR in a zone. Slower leveling. Having to actually buy spells again. Etc.
But if they DO a classic+ then they need to use Retail’s models.
Sorry, sir. I went through your argument point by point and refuted every single one of them. You chose to ignore that (the irony there) and instead make bad attempts at insults, because you didn’t have anything logical to say in response.
Per Blizzard’s own poll HERE, Retail is at 56% and Classic is at 41%. Forum polls are flawed in that not all players visit the forums, but it’s the only objective evidence we have since Monthly Active Users (MAUs) in ActiBlizz SEC financial filing are never broken down by game mode (only by Divisions among Activision, Blizzard, and King).
Subsequently those that think Classic is more popular than Retail are making a baseless claim; that is without any objective evidence, only opinion.
While I think @Kiper’s comment about shutting down Classic being wrong, is a valid statement, we don’t share the reasoning for it being wrong: They think it’s because Classic is more popular but there’s not great public evidence to support that. I think it’s because it would be a revenue loss to Blizzard if they shut it down (it’s probably true that many Classic players have no interest in Retail).
Um, but endgame and pvp were the only things available in vanilla. Once you got everything from the dungeons all that was left were the raids, pvp, and maybe grinding professions/gold.
We have far more options today then we ever had back then.
Also this idea that the resources to build it would come from the aether. Either they’ll double the teams (and potentially increase sub costs to cover the fact the WoW team is now actively developing two games) or the content pipeline for both of them will move at roughly half the speed.
Imagine if you only play one version: Raid seasons lasting an entire year, the end-of-expansion lull lasting roughly 20 months, the gap between expansion releases becoming 4 years…
In their dream world, Classic + is usually described as a divergent storyline that starts after Wraith with new content and zones.
It’s a silly dream. Once you let the “magic out” you can never put it back in. e.g. Classic will never regain its former glory no matter what they do. Many (probably most) players no longer enjoy that type of gameplay. I know I sure don’t. And since Blizz has been excluding Classic from all of the recent bundles…classic is probably going into maintenance.