Looks like Blizzard has found the way

To keep its players.
I mean for a couple years now, when retail gets boring they release classic. We have had classic, then SOM, then TBC classic, Wotlk classic, Classic HC.
Each of those versions came right to the time I started to get bored with retail. Seriously, it’s like Blizz is reading my mind.
Now we will get 10.2 so i will jump back retail a while, until they release another classic thingy :laughing:

They need to shutdown classic. Look over the years of research since vanilla. Start over with classic+. Retail is a garbage mmo


Pretty sure classic + will be the next great news


i am not getting my hopes up

That sounds like a really smart idea, shut down the more popular version of the game. I, too, enjoy burning bridges for fun.


This is The Way.

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I’ll stick to main the stream ,Played classic already through the years,not repeating over and over no matter the difficulty.

I just wanted to go back to the old overworld, something blizzard refuses to add back to retail for some reason.

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It doesn’t matter who plays more between classic and retail. When new players come, they play retail. Retail is a bad mmo.


I played classic for about half an hour when it came out. It was as bad as I was expecting.


I enjoy both. What I like about classic is how fun the leveling is. What I like about retail is how fun the endgame is. If only I could level in classic and send characters over to retail.


An mmo should not be only about endgame. Classic vanilla is a near perfect mmo. I never noticed how much until today. Even the class mechanics are genious. It also has endgame.


Vanilla is the only time in the game’s history I unsubscribed. Didn’t come back until they fixed the game in BC.

Vanilla was crap and there were better games available at the time (I went back to DAoC, for example).


Thats nice but you are wrong. Classic is a powerhouse, it is in fact THE powerhouse that is keeping retail alive. Classic has more active players between wrath and hardcore than retail. I can tell you, i played retail, could only stomache 2 weeks before i said the game was unsalvageable trash. I still go back to hardcore in between lulls of other games.
A mega wow fan could only stomache retail for 2 weeks, imagine the not so inclined into mmo could endure


I’m sure Cookie Clicker does, too. Doesn’t mean I want to play it.


Except most people playijng classic has no care in the world about retail. From my experience in classic most players haven’t touched retail in years.

Classic+ feels like a communal cope about Classic ending with Wrath.

I’m only subscribed for Classic atm, nothing in Retail interests me anymore.

Classic+ is probably going to be the only way to save WoW at this point without massive changes to Retail design philosophy. If Classic stagnates in Fall of the Lich King or the world gets revamped to Cataclysm, I’ll be gone again.


God I hope so, I love all forms of the game, but brand new content based off classic is the dream.

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I’m sorry, I misunderstood your train of thought in the post I originally quoted. I am definitely for Classic+ over the current direction of retail.