Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

Why are we assuming these people are lying or they haven’t put it in all the setting correctly?

The assumption that they are wrong doesn’t make sense that they are saying with feedback that it is still an issue even after trying.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Because this is General and this is WOW? I also don’t really blame them because Blizz put the fixes into multiple tabs with not very clear explanations of the effects.

If they are still seeing any motion effects then they missed something.

Because…If they arent lying and they ARE actually disabled, that means these trolls have to admit to trashing and bashing DISABLED people on this forum…and they have been.
theyd rather dupe themselves into believing everyone is a liar and calling them that rather than just admitting that they themselves are just foul mannered and attentiontrolls.


The settings help…they do not CURE the motion sickness.
Honestly…at a point its just wiser to stop feeding attentiontroll sorts in here.
They are literally just here to keep you going back and forth with them, not for real discussion.
Have you made any headway with a single one of them?
Or are they just repeating the same crap over and over to keep you interacting with them?
theyre not worthy of your time and energy. None of them are. just ignore.

my question to some is…why are they obsessed with some other player AFKing at 4000ft in the first place?
This hoax reminds me of the clowns who whine about opening up transmog for cross class use.
NO ONE is going around checking to make sure class and mogs match…and anyone who IS doing that needs to seek professional help immediately, lol.

Same here.
If someone is worrying themselves about someone else AFK flying, said person might want to see a therapist. CLEARLY OCDing about something that doesnt affect them AT ALL.

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But if they didn’t miss anything and they are saying it is still an issue then why are we assuming they are wrong?

It is possible that people still have motion sickness despite all the setting changes.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


they’re promoting their new toy.
i only hope it’s not with an eye toward
eventually removing traditional flight.


That was last expansion but you are right they are trying again which seems odd to me for something so popular that you are forcing people that don’t like it to use it.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Empathy huh? Sociopath huh? Narcissist huh?
Oops sorry the last one was my input.

You keep crying these things but refuse to be amicable. It’s honestly just sad.


I’m still experiencing motion sickness with Skyriding. I’ve experimented a lot with the possible settings. I’ve made a post about this, please tell me what I’ve missed: Skyriding and motion sickness

I’m trying to adapt with the options I have. Wish those that have physical issues with Skyriding had options too.


lmao…not even a good deflection, son…YOU are the ones in here POINTLESSLY harassing, demeaning and belittling lesser abled players FOR NO GOOD REASON.

IF YOU actually had a shred of integrity…ANY of you…youd just stay out of these threads entirely given they DONT AFFECT YOUR game AT ALL and you ALL KNOW it.
you are in here for ONE reason…attention…period. VERY obvious to see that.

now…back to ignore

edit…and dont give me that laughable joke about my use of ‘lesser abled’, son.
Not all players are DISABLED who are having issues with dragonriding.
you DO know that fact, correct?
Some are just older and have motor skill issues…sight issues. thats NOT DISABLED… “lesser abled” is a perfect description of their situation.


Exactly…and anyone saying otherwise is accusing these players of lying, expressed directly or not.
Pathetic behavior.

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What’s the difference between afking in the air and just finding a spot (and they are typically easy to find) where there are no mobs and just afking there?


literally NOTHING…except that group HAS to find something…ANYTHING…to sound like they have an argument to make in here, lmao.
Trolling for attention, nothing more

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Need I say more?
We literally talked about this in the other thread :joy:

At least you are consistent

go attentiontroll someone else…

yeah, the settings dont fix the MOTION part of skyriding.
I can drive my car slower and straighter when a friend I know is with me, so the effect of the moving car isnt quite as intense, but its a MOVING CAR, lol. A turn is still going to have some effect.
Guy has puked all down the side of my car door before.
Motion sickness is real…as is the sickness it takes to ridicule, demean and belittle human beings who suffer from it and other limitations.


There is no difference and frankly to interact with the world you have to land at some point even if you are using a goblin glider for example.

What is next restrictions on a goblin glider? Where is the line?


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


That is a dishonest comparison. One is a tinker, one is a mount. One is on a 3 minute cd, see my very own cloak. One is unlimited.
One is completely blocked from dungeons and raids. One is not.

One is gliding… one is not…

Can you just stop with the farfetched comparisons that dont make sense.

Goblin gliding is a valid transportation tool.

And you know people have told those that they can not use DR to use ground mounts, ports or gliders right?

So that is why it is valid to bring up.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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