Skyriding and motion sickness

Skyriding causes me motion sickness. These are the options I used to reduce nausea (in Beta TWW):

  • Esc → Options → Gameplay → Controls → Camera → Camera Following Style → set to “Never adjust camera”
  • Options → System → Graphics → Partical Density → set to “Disabled”
  • Options → Accessibility → General → Motion Sickness option activated
  • Options → Accessibility → General → Camera Shake option set to “None”
  • Options → Accessibility → Mounts → Motion Sickness set to “Default”. None of the options under this setting help me, hopefully they will help you.
  • Options → Accessibility → Mounts → Skyriding Screen Effects set to disabled
  • Options → Accessibility → Mounts → Skyriding Speed Effects set to disabled.
  • None of the other options under Skyriding help me, hopefully they will help you.
    Likely what settings will help you will vary from my suggestion. Experiment with all of you options.

It’s the same options they’ve had for dragonriding. It’s gradually been expanded upon throughout DF. Not sure if there’s new ones for TWW. But it is worth reminding people of their options since the pathfinder for steady flight is back again for some reason.


It also is finished very quickly so it’s not a big issue.

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Or they could just let people use old slow flying if they choose to, without it being held back longer than dynamic flight that is.


I didn’t intend this thread to be about pathfinder, but I’m glad there is a path to steady flight .

I’m looking to discuss options to reduce motion sickness associated with the much faster form of flight that is Skyriding.


Sorry for sidetracking with that. It just bugs me.

That is a reasonable take. Thank you.

Yes this thread is about motion sickness options.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

lol! It bugs me too!

I used to get motion sick from skyriding during the races but now it’s pretty much gone. I think part of it is just doing it over and over in small spurts until your used to it.

I get terrible motion sickness from skyriding too

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Did the Motion Sickness options help you? Did you find help with something helpful I didn’t list? I would love more help on the Motion Sickness issue with Skyriding.

Thank you for making this post, I didn’t even realize there were options regarding motion sickness, I just tried it out with the settings changed and it’s such a huge relief.


That is good to hear!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Edit: (Deleting this post to not distract from the OP. Apologies.)

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I love the options. They make it better, but I sometimes have to take a break. It’s weird because I usually do not get that way irl but in games I definitely get motion sick. Borderlands the Pre-sequel did that to me as well.

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I did the skyriding races in short burst until shortly after I started to feel it and then took a break. I did that for quite a while and noticed one day it eventually was lessened greatly until it was virtually gone. this is coming from someone who can’t play VR due to severe motion sickness.

First person shooters are the same, and used the same process. Played for a bit until I started to feel queasy and went a few minutes past that then took a break. After a while I could play as much as I wanted.

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I have basically the same settings. However, I find that taking taxis when possible then getting up and walking around or looking out the physical window helps the most. I am sure I will use ground mounts a lot while leveling as well.


Thanks for making this thread.


Youre help in the OP is appreciated. You’ll have to ignore those who cant just see your OP for what it is and not find the need to rail on about something.

Hopefully if the suggestions help, maybe some folks with Motion sickness will end up being able to use skyriding instead.

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