Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

lol…on Argus it was VERY valid. Got around all kinds of crap using the gliders Im sure they wanted me to have to fight thru.
Amazed they dont disable them in content the dont allow flight.

Goblin gliding is a valid tool in TWW because the maps are small and ground mount use in the all the zones is not so simple.

Those people claiming ground mount use is easy in TWW maps clearly didn’t beta test the zones enough to know there is vertical scale and where gliders are needed or DR.

Same arguments were used back in WoD frankly,

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Ive been an engineer since wrath, thats obvious. However its not a reliable mode nor is it comparable to actual flight.

So in those terms. Levitate, slow fall, charge, heroic leap, divine steed, etc. Are all valid modes of transportation as well.

Again there is a difference between actual flight vs utility, which is what you are describing.

Its been banned from dungeons and raids for awhile now.
And as it is a form of utility, its not blocked from world content. Reason why you can use it on argus where flight isn’t allowed… because its utility.

Definitely agree. Not flight obviously, but very useful in zones where we dont have flight.
Part of the reason I always take engineering is to have a permanent glider on my back.

They are just here to troll players who are having trouble with DRing…literally ZERO other reason for them to even be in the threads on this topic.
“nuh uh”…thats about the most intelligence we’ve gotten as arguments from that side.

If you truly wanted to disengage, you’d stop replying to people you’ve “ignored”, stop talking about them, stop instigating replies.
But you are only here for attention, which is VERY obvious. Or you’d follow through with your threats.

The amount of hypocrisy is incredible.

Also spoilers, its a public forum. Afterall, someone like you is allowed to be here.


“I don’t want to learn. I choose ignorance.”


Youtube is filled with Mafics Karens screaming “the customer is always right” while being led off in handcuffs. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Whats even worse is that isn’t even the full quote.
Its taken out of context why people that don’t get their way lol.


Then we agree as TBC normal flying should not be gated by PF

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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What in actual tarnation? :joy:

“Purple isn’t green, its purple.”
“So a watermelon is an apple correct?”

We were debating if engineering is a mode of flight, then you hard shifted to pathfinder word gymnastics. That was a pretty impressive jump, I have to give you that.


Goblin Gliding is integral to tackle the vertical scale of TWW maps that is why PF should be removed.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Its not. Or it would be baseline and given out for free while questing.

Flight also exists. But the map is also ground mount friendly.
Your mode of flight is locked so you refuse to accept any kind of reason.

So why is DR free and not goblin gliding or TBC normal flying?

The existence of vertical scaling in TWW maps reveals you do need travel with three dimensions in mind.

So all the people saying it is ground mount friendly have been lying to people this entire time?

I am shocked.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

My vote is on some bigwig in the corporate office is telling him

“We invested a lot of resources into this “Skyriding” nonsense, we better see it being used.”


I know you are being intentionally obtuse to prove some kind of weird point… but I guess I’ll explain.

Goblin gliders are locked behind a profession. Of course you can get crafted off the ah. But profession locked nontheless.

Tbc flying is tbc flying. Its nothing new.
Dynamic is being expanded to most mounts and of course, Ions classic line… “this is what flight is now”.

Hills and roads exist. You can also mount many number of mounts and hit skyward accend!
I hope that helps.

Nope. You refuse to acknowledge or accept obvious truths because they go against your internal rp.

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Role play would be fine if BlizZard supported it but they do not to be honest. In terms of RP the existence of PF doesn’t make sense when no PF exists for DR.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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A many number of rp servers with their own unique rules that follow and support rp would like to have a word with you.


That is precisely what has happened.

The metrics are not lining up to be honest and that is probably the closest we will ever see the truth in this.

The Rate of Return on their investment is priority #1 which is probably what is driving such a very incoherent vision.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

People cheering during the dynamic flying panel.
Sub rates being on the rise…
The fact hardly anyone aside from you or lio are making a fuss about it.

How can you forumlate these theories when things like these contradict what you are saying lol.


nothing changed about what I said, son…cope.