Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

I for one enjoy Skyridier/dragonflying but I am well aware that not all share that feeling. I am also aware that dragonflying can full on induce motion sickness in some players to the point they actively avoided flight until stable flight and assistance features were implimented. To allow Skyriding access as soon as you complete a few quests into Kaz’Algar while locking stable flight behind Pathfinder is a massive disservice to your players. You say you “leanred your lessons from Shadowlands” but your choices in the matter of flight prove your stances demonstrably false.


NoClip flying completely trivializes a lot of questing content, to the point where druids can literally just hover around and loot quest items without ever landing or interacting with enemies.

Dynamic Flight is meant to be more active. So for the first time through, they want us to be engaged in where we’re going and what we’re doing instead of just flying around with noclip.


Different set of lessons. As Ion said, what they learned from Shaowlands is that people are less interested in stories and more interested in getting leveled up and geared up for high level dungeons and raids.

As for Dragon Flying, the Dragonflight expansion seemed to be very popular despite a weak story so the lesson is, people like dragon riding and the people saying they want the old type of riding don’t represent the player base.


So instead of hovering they land on a tree limb/pillar/ridge and then dip down to loot items instead?

Super engaging.


Dragonriding is here to stay, and it has very good use cases, but static flying is actually a necessary thing. To dragonride you need HEIGHT to start…which is FAR more difficult if not impossible to get while dragonriding! To get to that high vantage point you need static flight, period.


Obviously. But despite skyriding giving people motion sickness and want to make people throw up. Lets lock the 20 year old flight that doesn’t give people motion sickness with padlock and chain. So we can fill the air with vomit. I guess we have to put those umbrella’s from SL’s to good use to block sky vomit.

Though I don’t get sick but a majority of the minority of people do.

Minority: Puking on skyriding getting sick from motion sickness.


It’s no different than before— except that you can acquire static flying so much faster now.

I’ll say the same thing I did in the MANY other threads on this:

And here’s the longer version of that:


Yes. Because you can’t just hover to loot, you have to actually touch the ground. That changes everything.

Also, completing the main story isn’t that serious of a requirement to unlock account-wide static flying. I think the NoClip version of flying is problematic in terms of quest design and world engagement, which is why they want to make sure that people see the world from a more grounded/tethered perspective the first time.

It’s not really a big deal imo.

I’ve never had an issue with gaining height while dragonriding. I’m not really sure what you mean.


This definitely needed to be its own thread, not in the massive 1500+ post thread about the same topic.


But you have to understand those people don’t represent the majority and we’re busy turning spiders into crabs to help people that also don’t represent the majority all while people who don’t represent the majority are more concerned with different accommodations for their own minority problem.

Not gonna lie this was good for a laugh.


But lets throw them under bus for reasons cause no one cares about their motion sickness.

Typical Apathic Behavior.

  • Its NOT about exploration…anyone making that claim still is just a liar because nearly 100% of us will be flying day one with skyriding.
  • Its not about PVP…the warmode sorts have been whining how barren warmode is since it was created.
  • Its not about farming…bots dont need flight to bot…and speed is what wins when youre farming nodes. Skyriding wins every time unless someone is that bad at it.

no valid reason at all


No, dynamic flight is meant to be a time waster so you end up staying subbed longer.


Easily fixed IF that were actually what is going on here.
IF druid is in flight form and they click on anything, pop them out of flight form.
Yet Ion hasnt made that change…so its OBVIOUS that isnt any issue for him in any of this.

Then YOU should be doing it too to get your favored flight mode.
Or are we gonna show our hypocrisy like so many others in here?


If Blizzard actually wanted this, they wouldn’t have added “Gather herbs/ore while mounted” talents.

Now everyone (not just druids) can plop down and pick up herbs/ore and fly away even if they aggro mobs. Super active and engaging


Being able to use interactive controls to fly faster is a time waster to get you to stay subbed longer. Being faster = time waster. It is most definitely Sunday,


Yeah we do.


It’s literally faster in every way though.

But that would be a huge nerf to druids in general, because once you unlock static flying, you can do that as much as you want.

No, because my favored flight mode isn’t NoClip, it actually involves gravity and engagement.

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Someone prefering Skyriding to Steady Flight does not make them hypocrits because Blizzard wants players to complete the leveling storyline before unlocking skyriding. I don’t think you know what that word means.


Until you run out of vigor and have to sit for a couple minutes.