Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

See that’s the glass half empty take.

I still see it as they removed the bulk of the requirements AND the time gating.
They get their story told how they want, players unlock their tbc flight week 1 after doing the quests.

Its a win win and a perfect middle ground. They could have simply said no. Pathfinder is coming in .2 AND you need to complete this laundry list of metas to get tbc flight. But they didn’t :dracthyr_shrug:

We really do. And I’m sorry you’re so naive.

You try to paint a picture that Steady Flight is not a hot topic, but it is. Just a casual look I found these.

Steady flight is a hot topic!

  1. Handicapped people who cannot use dragonriding.

You don’t even know what my post meant, don’t lump it in… It was just a dumb reference, nothing of value, really.

You and your thoughts matter, never forget that.

It feels spiteful to lock steady flight.

People are already “punished” by going way slower with steady flight. Clearly if they make that choice they dont mind.

What is it about steady flight that ticks so many people off?

You know what irritates me? Running out of vigor and staying on the ground for it to recharge.

You know what irritates me? Using the 3 vigor spin and accidentally running into a tree halting your forward motion and wasting 3 vigor.


My FNaF references matter? Got it.

I was referencing the number of thread discussing Steady flight, not your individual post.


The number of topics or the same repeated mindless rants 8000 times over and over again by the same 20 or so people do not make something a hot topic. It also doesn’t make it a hot topic when much of it is pure spam and trolling. Or people being disingenuous for why they are posting in them.

If you cut almost all the bull :poop: out of them all, you only end up with maybe at best a 1/4 of the count of traffic on the topic period and then its hardly a hot topic at all.

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Did you even bother LOOKING at them?
It’s the same posters in ALL of them spamming the topics lol.

Like I’ve been saying, a handful of people spamming threads =/= hot topic.

Grats? You found a bunch of threads with the same people posting in them?

But you completely missed the actual point. All you looked at was thread counts, you didn’t look to see who was actually posting.

Half of those threads are dead. The other half are just getting bumped. Like this one.

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You evaded or missed my point, either way, I hope you have a great day.

The only thing about the static flight that bothers me, is Druid flight form needs a Dracthyr hover to farm herbs half as good as standard flight form and I assume ,if I switch it for my druid to farm herbs, I will have to switch it back all the time for everyone else. I do not know if the setting is account wide , but for that 1 reason , I wish it wasn’t.

But I wasn’t discussing steady flight, I was making a reference to another franchise entirely.

This is just a guess, but is a great reason we need account wide ignores and battletags on the forums.

Also repeated bs is basically all social media is at this point, and is generally considered what a hot topic is. So not sure your point really lands for anything but the fact that it sucks we can’t tell when people alt hop on here.


Stop treating your Disabled players as Second rate Citizens of Azeroth…many players even with the stuff the put in for motion sickness didn’t work for many players…so bloody what if someone hoovers…its no skin of any players back now…we should be able to use Steady Flight day 1 like rest of players get to use Dragon flying or whatever new name it is this week.

And to say well those players that have medical or physical issues with Dragon flying it only takes you 8 hrs to get pathfinder done are full of it …maybe some healthy players it might but not those that have physical issue with it.

Again if Pathfinder is so freaking easy as the white knights state it is then they should be forced to do it to use Dragon Flying or whatever new name it is this week…what is good for the Goose is Good for the Gander.


Don’t think this is an issue with steady flight as much as it is an issue with how they handled the switching which really needs some work.

Two favorite lists makes way more sense, and allowing for a toggle in druids spell book. Across the board toggle was just the laziest worst answer and the time to swap feels horribly out of step with the pace of the game.

Wrong, if you look in this post 288 different individuals post likes to the op. 288 people does not equal a hand full and those are just the individuals people that agree. As I said, your trying to paint a false picture with incorrect information.


Everyone remember the Cataclysm server resets and everyone logged back in asap and flew into the air above Org/SW? Good times.

Believe that math works out to 7.6 posts per user that liked…but because Blizzard has never fixed the issue of alt accounts on the forums we will never know. One of their larger silly oversites for the forum community.

That said I think there area lot of people chiming in, but I don’t believe a lot of them that say they will quit. I do believe there are some but most will just be pissed, and have a harder time on that first play through.

Seems silly but I don’t see a change coming. Maybe next xpac.