Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

Did you compare post counts to top posters and their post counts… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Dead post. 102 post count. A specific rogue 10% of posts, next person 8%, next two have a combined 18%
So that’s over 30% of the post counts just from 5 people.

Dead post. 62 post count. Op (also in this thread) 15 posts 24% of posts, next person 9 14%, next person 8 13%,
3 people have 80% of the posts in the thread.

Dead thread. 32 post count.
A specific rogue 6 posts 19%, OP 5 posts 16%, next person 3 posts 9%
3 people have 44% of the post count.

100 posts. Getting bumped by the same 2 people.
Top two posters 18%, next 7%, next two 8%, next two 6%
6 posters have 39% of posts.

Dead thread. 245 posts.
A specific rogue top poster 35 14%, next 2 10%, next 3 11%.
6 posters make up 35%

462 posts.
Oh look… a specific rogue top poster 32 7%, next 29 6%, next 27 6%, next 3 6%.
6 posters are 25% of posts in a BLUE UPDATE THREAD.

153 posts.
Oh wow… a certain rogue top poster… 18 12%, next 8 5%, next 3 4%.
Top 5 posters = 21% of posts. Then a bunch of 1 offs since SOMEONE kept bumping the thread.

I’m not. You literally can’t look at something beyond face value and apply your own context to it.

I can do the above to EVERY. SINGLE. POST. That you linked. It’s literally a handful of people cropping those posts up and/or bumping them to keep them ‘relevant’.

Skyriding is a hot topic as I’ve shown. All posts become dead, new ones pop up. In the end, this is a hot topic


BlizZard should not segregate the player community.

It is a bad path to go down.

Because what is next? Skill checks to have access to certain talents? Where is the line in the sand?

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Even the naysayers are participating showing how hot of a topic this has become.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


… If it was a hot topic, the threads wouldn’t die and need new ones to pop up to keep it going :joy:

It’s not. The above of me going through those threads refutes your baseless claim.

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This thread went form 8k views a week ago to 12k.

That is an explosion of views and I anticipate triple that by launch. And this topic will continue well after launch if anyone is wondering.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


That’s only because of the pointless arguing here.
This topic died LONG ago. Just because the thread is still going doesn’t mean anything about the actual topic.
The countless derailments and side arguments prove as much.

Also you replying just to bump the threads :joy:
Views aren’t important. IMPACT is important, and you can’t have impact with the same few people and randoms clicking on the thread just to read through the nonsense.

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Removing PF is very popular request and more players want to see that outcome IMVHO.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Sounds like a hot topic to me


I can’t claim to be contributing 4k views in a week by myself lol. I am just one person.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Players themselves been skill checking other players since the game began. You don’t need Blizzard to do that. However when you raid, there is various skills checks in them from boss to boss. From DPS, Healing and even Tanking and gear in general checks. If not enough of your team can deal with these check points your team will not survive the encounter and make it to the next fight.

So stop your moaning.

Your exactly correct here, 80% of the replies to this topic has zero impact to the subject or any point to convey to Blizzard on the topic of flying. Its just bickering back n forth, or just bumps with nonsense spewed in them about what color the moon is on November 1st.

This topic has been so badly derailed so many times its not even funny.

Has anyone thought of combining some ideas, like say being able to BUY steady flight early in TWW? Leave pathfinder as is for those that want it, but enable those that can’t use dynamic and don’t want to go via ground a way to get steady flight off the bat.

This would be what I hope is the ideal compromise, the few that can’t use dynamic and are unhappy being grounded have the access to the sky they need/desire, while those of us that are fine with either ground or dynamic don’t feel like we are being punished for choosing the option to unlock/earn steady flight as we are not having to deal with people beating us to mobs by just dropping on top of them…

Just as a request, feel free to repost this for those that might miss it due to the way ignores work.

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Fact: Blizzard has stated why they do not want Steady Flight done the 1st time threw leveling.

Fact: Blizzards control answer to the above issue is to use pathfinder as the check valve to that problem.

Fact: Player who do not like pathfinder want it to be removed from the game.

Fact: Players who do not like Skyriding do not like to be forced to have to unlock Steady Flight via any means and want it strait up just like Skyriding (with no middle ground or solution other wise.)

Fact: Blizzard is not changing their mind about not wanting Steady Flight for the 1st time threw leveling in the TWW.

That was for a brief period of time but shows many things are possible in WoW with a flip of a switch.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Cata personally showed me, how broken TBC flight really was, and how it needed to be upgraded to something else.

Since then, I have told Blizzard every time I was asked or could put any input in on flight that it needed to be changed. Which was ever single xpac since MoP moving forward.

This leads to:
Fact: Those that want skyriding straight up are bind and can’t see that all or nothing attitudes will do more harm in the long run… Like I could care less if they got an option to get what they need/want, but I actually have fun doing pathfinder, why would ones like me stay around if it was removed to please whiney brats that don’t think I matter?

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Yep, its just one huge vicious circle. With no ending with them.

So we have you to blame for the pile that is Flappy Bird flight? Thank you!


Nah uh! It’s a very hot topic!.. for trolls.