Steady Flying

Why would making the game appeal to as wide a playerbase as possible be bad for the game? The shareholders want to make money, so doing things that bring more players means more money. Cataclysm heroics were a great example, how many players left because Blizz initially stuck to their guns? Look at Wrath, some consider it to be the peak of casual friendly, and it had the highest player numbers.

So shouldn’t the goal of the developers be to make the game have as broad an appeal as possible, which would mean those who can’t do dynamic flying, or don’t like it have TBC flying available to them as an option.

Also, when Ion mentioned for accessibility reasons, that means he and the rest of the team are admitting that they cool new form of flying has accessibility issues. Rather than giving TBC flying right from the start, they keep talking about all the stuff they have done or plan to do to make dynamic flying more accessible. They have an accessibility option already available, but refuse to make use of it.

To me that really makes it feel like Ion and Co are determined to eventually make dynamic the only form of flying, and when that time comes and they try to pull another WoD, I hope it backfires just as badly again and they finally get put in their place by the higher ups.

People say Ion and Co aren’t petty and showing spite towards the players, the sheer fact that they are still using Pathfinder to gate TBC flying says otherwise to me. They need to let it go and realize some players prefer different things and playing different ways, by trying to railroad them into their way, they will only make the players resent them more and eventually leave, but hey, if they want to drive small amounts of players away here and there and cause this game to die from a thousand cuts, then go for it. Players will find other games that appeal to them and it will be harder to lure them back each time they drive them away.