Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

Actually Id like to debate the topic however certian individuals like to derail on the terms of harassment and such.

Like yourself. Derailing the thread to have a go at me :joy:

Not true. But go off queen.
Honestly Im not reading any more of your nonsense since all you want to do is fight.

If you’d like to discuss the topic. Then feel free to reply. But I’m not biting anymore on your antagonizing crap. The fighting is tired, your bad attempts at trolling and white knighting are tired.

Live long and prosper :vulcan_salute:

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You really have yet to show this at all. You do show your general lack of empathy to the subject consistently though.

Odd, haven’t you spent several days coming back here just to argue?

Thank you for giving me permission, clearly nobody is allowed to critique the pathfinder system without being mocked for it. I am discussing it, and I was prior, just not the way you want me to apparently.

Which you never elaborated on by the way, what is the threshold for you to consider something “a big deal”? when it affects you personally?

So I should sit there and take it then? I am advocating for myself and making my comments available to been seen along with others. Which you advocate for in this thread. Nah that’s apparently white knighting. More dismissiveness from you.


That’s not them saying they do it all the time is it? Seems more like them just agreeing with…math.

Either way I am not a fan of Moused, and they don’t represent everyone on here. Maybe they are full of it who knows but…the look of you coming here and saying everyone who says they can use it is a liar is just horrible.


Everyone? I don’t think anyone saying they get motion sickness is a liar bro.

I do find it suspect though when someone says they can’t physically dragon ride outside of motion sickness issues but can somehow play the rest of the game.

Moused on the other hand has an agenda and it has nothing to do with fighting ableism.

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See yet again. All you want to do is fight. I didnt engage with you. YOU picked the fight with me immediately going at me. Not wanting to debate anything.

So try again.

Nope because I don’t use my disabilities as ammo to belittle others or throw a tantrum.
People that RESPECTFULLY post their opinions, I have no problem with. Which you’d see if you actually read my posts.

You’re not. You are picking a fight with, not contributing anything to the topic.

Again if you want to discuss the topic, you know where to find me. I won’t be replying again otherwise

You said over and over you were not talking about people with motion sickness. So you just think people saying they can’t do it because of a disability are lying?

Moused is an extreme person so whatever but saying every other person here that says their disability makes it so they can’t do it…That’s messed up. You are calling everyone on this forum who claims that a liar based off of something you saw from moused and your experience with the game.

Are you handicapped in any way? If not, then what makes you think you have any idea how it affects the way they play any part of this game?


no, but your insults did.

Learned it from you, what can I say.
You made your point apparently but still stuck around, hilarious to call others out for your own same actions.

I do, as do others. However you are apparently the arbiter of when, where and how often, those discussions can happen. So I ask, when can I?

You crack me up with this, seriously? That’s rich coming from the same person boiling all complains down to this:


I’m questioning how someone can be physically incapable of sky riding yet can function in the rest of the game in particular with combat.

Both require very basic keyboard and mouse control so being incapable of doing one should mean they’re incapable of then other.

So yeah bro I don’t believe them.

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They do have a bit of a point. Its more intensive to do your rotation and a dungeon/raid boss than to dragonride.
Now if it is motion sickness or some kind of visual impairment, that is more understandable.

But tbh I wish we could remove the disability arguments entirely since they are so subjective and vary from person to person.


I think that is a pretty horrible stance, and you should back away from your keyboard there. Telling a handicapped person they are lying about what they can and can’t do is pretty despicable.

Also, just on a functional stand point the reaction timing needed for close area skyriding is much faster than is needed for up to lfr content. Most of it can be done by hitting 4 buttons lazily, and a bit of keyboard work. The idea they are equally taxing for someone with a disability really shows a total lack of understanding what others go through, and coming here and calling them out on what you see as lying to get special treatment shows an astounding lack of empathy and knowledge.


And using a handicap to help an argument is worse. As I said we have proof of one suspect poster in Moused.


As do I, as it is too easy to turn such into “No True Scotsman” arguments. It keeps getting pointed out that not all disabilities are the same, yet what is the difference between a disabled that wants PF removed cause they suffer from pain if they use DR and one that might also suffer from the same yet it does not bother them? Nothing but outlook and attitude from where I stand.

For those wondering, the no true Scotsman fallacy is:

No true Scotsman arguments arise when someone is trying to defend their ingroup from criticism (ingroup bias) by excluding those members who don’t agree with the ingroup . In other words, instead of accepting that some members may think or act in disagreeable ways, one dismisses those members as fakes

And this has been Moused’s mode of operation throughout this thread.

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I don’t agree at all.

I do not have a handicap but I do bring it up in topics now, because it would be dishonest not to include this with current discussions. There was two beta threads in the DF beta discussing the topic of handicap and accessibility issues regarding DR.

I sat there and read them in great length. Maybe I was ignorant to the plight of players with physical disabilities but I grew my understanding. And also grew my empathy towards those players.

So fast forward to the today and the fact we are still discussing this issue means it is relevant to many players.

But I always knew the innocent bystanders of the patchfinder shenanigans always hurt those players less abled or less informed aka new players.

PF has done great harm to chase away veteran players but also punish new players trying to play the game.

That is why DR and TBC normal flying are available now more freely compared to say when BFA was the “default” for new players.

New players would see other players flying around in older content like BC and Legion. But then wonder why they can not fly in BFA content? Then wonder why when they go outside of BFA content they can easily gain TBC normal flying but are hard gated by a grind to unlock the same TBC normal flying in BFA content?

This lack of consistency has always hurts less informed and less abled players.

That is why PF must be removed as it does more harm to the greater WoW community than any supposed “positives”.

PF is the most toxic thing every added to this game and has helped as a free marketing tool for Final Fantasy to peel away WoW players where earning flying is straight forward in that game.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


See… its VERY hard to take you seriously when you say stuff like this.
Wow players arent just wow players. We bounce from game to game.
Ive played ff when wow was in a lul. Also played eso. Heck I was playing osrs last night.

Things like pf don’t scare players away to other games. New games, patches, xpacs draw players back and forth. People step back when they finish their stuff or the game is mid to end season.
Its nothing new. And it’s very dishonest to blame that on pathfinder.

That is the truth.

PF is what drives a lot of new players away which is why it has been changed over the years.

But BlizZard needs to remove PF completely. I and others have been right about the toxicity of PF for a long time.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Can you provide anything to substantiate that?

I hope you realize we’ve been going through this same circle for 3k posts now.

You make a claim that can’t be backed up. I ask for evidence…

Like please share your opinion but STOP spreading things you can’t backup as fact. Contributing to misinformation.

Its only “toxic” now because it doesn’t apply to both modes of flying lol.

I see two sides in these arguments.

  1. We like or need the old style flying and would like it not to be gated behind silly things

  2. We like the new flying and would be fine if the other type went away and those silly other people should be grateful that hasn’t happened, yet, and they can just deal with the gating.

Am I missing anything?


You really don’t. I find your line of questioning pretty horrible, and your reasoning for doing it far more suspect. I will block you and move on. I suggest you just leave this thread instead of telling people who say they have handicaps they don’t need help to do something, or that they are just liars. It’s gross.


I think there is a tiny portion that can see both sides, but generally you are right. I came into it with the thought that Blizzard should explain why. Their explanation was basically skyriding (I think dynamic flight makes way more sense with steady flight on the other side but marketing seems to have won) is more fun and engaging.

I think they are right, it is a lot of fun. That said, if you can’t use it just use the old one. I didn’t hear them say one thing about bots, or exploits, or anything. Just that content is more fun with the new way.

To me, that means they should need no blocking of the old way. If it’s better it will win all by itself. They instead put a fairly paper thin to people who can use skyriding (bleck) but more of an issue for those that can’t. That seems really tone deaf to me.

I support PF for the speed boost to steady flight in the new zone. Seems like the simplest option to get everyone happy with little downside.


In an ideal world, yeah, the fact is, ideal worlds don’t exist whenever the human factor is included. There will be those that hate/can’t used Dynamic Flight period, but for those on the fence, how easy would it be to not give Dynamic a fair chance if steady was available from the get go? it could just very well be the block is to try and encourage those on the fence to give dynamic an honest try instead of relying on others or letting one bad experience with it turn them off from it.