Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

There’s a learning curve involved, and gathering “power ups” to get the full experience. Some can’t or won’t do those things.

Those that can’t due to disability have my sympathy and share the same frustration with pathfinder being in TWW.

Those that just refuse to learn how to use the fastest, and slowest flight, there are no words.


Most people love skyriding, you’re just hearing the very loud and very small minority on the forums.


I have had issues getting over high peaks in Remix. That’s my only problem with it vs normal flying.


Change of habit can be hard for some.

I think it’s fine to voice your opinions and feedback but what I find gross is a lot of people who do complain about skyriding point at people with disabilities.

As if those with disabilities couldn’t possibly use a new form of flight with less controls than the rest of the game they are already playing.


Like its been said already, there is no “many players” that dislike it, there are a very few and can actually be counted on one hand on the forums that try to make it sound like there are millions. When it actually probably less than a full 1% in all of reality.


I don’t think anyone hates it. They’re just incapable of understanding that it’s the new version of ground travel to keep people immersed and static will never be seen as such, so will always be gated until people hit max level.


No its not not with gathering herbs…I’d love to see a real test done between a Tauren Druid that herbs and another player using dragon flying …I know for fact the Tauren Druid in TBC flying will gather more herbs and do it faster then a dragon riding person herbing.


Its not a skill issue with many that don’t like Dragon Flying its a Physical and mental real life pain for many that play and want to use TBC flying…getting physically sick or put in pain from dragon flying is just wrong.


How? You’re flying significantly faster between nodes and you’re spending about the same amount of time picking the herbs. So how is normal flight faster?


I don’t like it. I get motion sickness and I’m just naturally more chill. I want to gently fly above Azeroth doing my thing, looking around at the sights. I do not like bulldozing above it at the speed of sound having to get my bearings. It stresses me out.

Turning off the wind effect does help a bit with the motion sickness…if anyone doesn’t know about that.


Been a day or two. Time for another megathread with the same arguments back and forth.

Playing this game shouldn’t give players stress now…and for many dragon flying does stress them out…its just another thing that comes about with dragon flying…


I love it. However, I think regular flying and dragon riding should be given to players at the same time. Pathfinder is nothing but pure spite.


Because having to land and take off again constantly depletes your Vigor like crazy. Depending on the zone, this can be a bigger or smaller issue.

Waking Shore, where a lot of nodes are on top of cliffs you can then just jump off to get airborne again isn’t a big deal, for example, but Azure Span where you not only don’t have so many elevated nodes to collect, but also need Vigor to get up terrain increases as part of routine flight, will drain you fast and leave you empty.

Skyriding’s speed advantage also depends on node sparsity for be truly advantageous. If nodes are not spaced very far apart, a lot of that advantage is reduced or even negated. If they’re really close together, it can even flip into being a detriment as you are again running into the Vigor starvation of having to constantly spend it just to get airborne again.

To the main point of the thread, I think a lot of people would be happier if the toggle between Skyriding and static flight were just more convenient. Having to land and take 5 seconds to switch universal modes is going to get old very, very fast. Either making the switch faster/doable while in flight, or letting us set Dynamic/Static per mount instead of universally would be much better received, I expect.


Because it’s a mini-game they have to play, while they’d prefer to AFK-fly-swim instead.

I understand the complaints, even if I don’t agree with them.

Air-swimming was just flat-out boring, I’d rather take a taxi than do that.

At least I can tab-out and watch stuff on another screen in that case.

Dynamic (Dragonriding) Flying forces me to pay attention to the world around me, and adds weight.

Which, I personally think is a good thing.


It’s much faster, interactive and isn’t locked behind a Pathfinder achievement. What’s not to like.

Only downside is you can’t Num lock the flight and afk like on the old mounts.


Change is scary!


Old flying has one advantage.

To be able to hover. You cannot hover in one place with dragonriding.

Old flying is like a helicopter. :helicopter:
Dragonriding is like a plane. :small_airplane:

Of course the plane is faster but there is no hover control.


I’m sorry, but how does the new flying cause you physical and mental pain?


I hate it cuz I suck at it, and have no desire to improve. I use travel mechanics to get from one point to the next. And that is the absolute extent of my desire to engage in said mechanics. That’s in any and all games in which traveling is either not one of- or is not- the main gameplay loop.

I’ll eventually adapt, as I always do.

I got just “gud enuff” to do Tindral without falling to my death. And can do Nokhud just fine.

But I really do prefer to turn my brain all the way off, at points in this game that don’t involve me killing something for something.

This mechanic denies me that, and so I’m not a fan.

And the dragon that does the dragon riding questline has one of the most AGGRAVATING VOICES I’VE EVER HEARD. I. ABSOLUTELY. HATE IT!

Enough so that I won’t even go near the Ruby questline on any other characters. Ever.