Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

Not if you don’t botch it and run out. Literally a faster option cannot be spun as a time waster.


This isn’t a problem that I’ve ever encountered while playing normally. Have you considered that you’re using too much vigor too quickly?


I think some of them are still tossing tantrums deep down inside that steady flight is still in the game, lol.

Seriously friend…sometimes the ignore option IS the best option with some of the attentiontrolls on this forum.
they have no other purpose here than to keep you interacting with them for the attention sake.


Nor can it be spun as forcing people to be more engaged with the content. Yet here we are doing exactly that.

Tapping the space bar rather than holding it to zoom right past things isn’t “more engaging” and people should stop being dull enough to say it is.


I think you need to hone those reading comprehension skills and go read what I said again…this time try to pay attention to the actual context

back to the list…


Bro nobody cares. I do not at all care how you play the game. Nobody in here does.


It requires you to interact with the game to continue flying.


Ah yes, the old “it never happens to ME, so it shouldnt matter to anyone!”
Look, your preferred flight is dynamic, mine is static. One shouldnt be prioritized over the other, both should be locked or neither.


The simple fact that you can’t just hover 50 feet above everything and go AFK is proof that you actually have to be engaged while using Dynamic Flight/Skyriding.

It’s easy to make the argument that Steady Flight is much less involved and much less immersive because you literally just fly around with no-clip and never deal with gravity, weight, momentum, or anything of the sort.


If you’re going afk you’re going afk whether it is hovering or parking on a remote piece of scenery. This argument is flat.

I afk in flight to dungeons with dragonriding all the time.


You lose the argument with this.


One is interactive, one is not. And, except for Cataclysm, Steady Flight has always been locked behind leveling up in the new expansion.

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I disagree, I think it’s perfectly reasonable to disable NoClip for the first playthrough of new content. You can use NoClip later on your subsequent alts, and if your real problem with Skyriding/Dynamic Flight is that it “makes you motion sick” or whichever reason, you can just use your ground mounts to travel instead.

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Blizzard is actually catering to these attention trolls. Whining since WoD that a 20 year old flight is breaking WoW.

“Ohhhh It BrEaKs the GaMe PlEsE GeT RiD oF iT nOw It’S BoT FlIgHt.”


Once again, you lose for saying noclip. You dont even understand the meaning of the term.


I don’t think I do. Explain to me how steady flight is different from NoClip, except that it doesn’t let you pass through walls.

Clearly they aren’t, based on this thread.

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That gets better once you start charging in the air before you land.
Vigor management can be a hassle. I fully understand and agree.
You do have to change how you think about your flight…ie preplanning is necessary, unlike with old flight.

But I can go a week or three without having to sit and wait for a charge on the ground.
It IS possible to go a long while not having to do that, but yeah, its gonna be more having to pay attention to your vigor and charging to get to that point.

Just saying this to hopefully help. Not in any way being critical.
I 100% get that some are having issues with DRing and vigor management.


No clip is literally passing thru walls and solid objects. Steady flight in no way does this.


The difference is that in one of those scenarios, you’re on the ground (and thus can be freely engaged with by enemies, particularly players) and in another scenario you’re just floating a thousand feet in the air and are essentially untouchable.