Steady Flying

Wouldn’t bother me at all. I never minded pathfinder, even back in WoD when it was significantly more involved to achieve.


It’s pretty clear by their actions that Blizz prefers Sky Riding. They just don’t have the stones to get rid of TBC flight yet.


I think its wild people continue to sub to a game they don’t like or play very much


They both take off in the air and give flight. But old school flight has hover ability and is slower. Yet one is punished and the other is not I don’t get it. Both forms of flight should be locked or none at all. Path finding is stupid and it should have been trashed at WoD.


Great post and you reveal that you are a valued member of the community as well. Your insights are deeply valued.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Where did anyone say they hated it?

Static flying has always been locked behind something. Originally, it was max level and gold. A lot of gold. Then it was Pathfinder account wide much later in the expansion with a crap ton of requirements.

Now it’s Pathfinder account wide at the beginning just for doing the leveling campaign.

Static flying is seen by Blizz to not be engaging and cheesing the content. Dynamic flying is their middle ground compromise to not keeping you on the ground. Blizzard has described it as more engaging with the environment and content than static flying.

Their philosophy is always to keep people engaged in the content. Before, that was on the ground. Now, it’s in the air using their type of engagement as they want it to be.

We get static flying in the amount of time it takes to level. For some, that’s days. For others, that’s a week. There is no wait and War Within is very ground mount friendly for those who cannot use dynamic flying.

It’s not hatred. It’s simply this is how Blizzard views their game and what they want that immersion and engagement to look like.


True, true.

The truth is coming out now that people are realizing BlizZard is very unprofessional.

Even their dedicated hall monitors can not defend such a decision!


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


yeah, thats Ions baby. its NEVER being removed under any circumstances lol.
He wont use it for his shiny NEW baby…dragonriding…and his obstinance in the PF matter wont allow him to let that go for god sake…so using PF for old flight is the only way he can make his new toy shine and still keep his old toy useful…even if there is literally no reason both cant exist together from day one.


Because of all the people moaning and complaining about it every expansion for the past 10 years, as though the game is somehow unplayable because you can’t fly.


Then why does the arachnophobia filter exist then?

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Easily fixed…but Ion doesnt want old flight at all, so I wouldnt count on him ever changing it so he doesnt feel the need to ruin it with PF.

just remove the hover ability from old flight. If you aint moving forward…you stall and fall.
If he doesnt like Druid…do what I do when trying to mine in bird form…force me out of it.
So if Im in bird form and I click something, force me into racial form.
Then Druid isnt a threat to his new toy, dragon riding and theres no reason to keep pushing PF.

But like I said, hes not going to allow ANYTHING to cast a shadow over dragonriding.


People can play without the arachnophobia filter just fine since it hasn’t existed for 15 years of the games cycle right?

is that the hill that BlizZard wants to die on?


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


What are you on about?


Only one of these things you mentioned here is relevant: hovering.

If you can afk anywhere in the world completely safely, you distance yourself from the world making for fewer interactions; promotes the general attitude of “the world exists only as a hinderance of me getting from point A to point B” which has a negative impact on overall world design; and it promotes not helping with world activities.

There’s more to it but I’m not going to go through what has been beaten to a pulp, then ground up the horse only to be beaten again, and rinse and repeated that like 10+ times over.

The ability to distance oneself from the game rather than actively engage with it IS the reason why TBC flying was a mistake. Heck it was a mistake even in TBC since they followed the simple design element that a spherical area is faster to cross from the two points most further away from each other, than what it is like with a rectangular area.

You aren’t far away when you say this … the problem here is that if you discard dragonriding, you have to discard flying altogether. Which is what they did with WoD and it was a genuinely really fun expansion to explore the world in.

And that exploration died because the expansion was overall discarded and flying made it so what was there now was treated as a hinderance and not a world to engage with.

At this point TBC flying is seen as an accessibility tool so it is unlocked when people have played the game and can be reasonable be expected to not have an interest in the game anymore. Since, sadly as demonstrated with every single expansion, folks just don’t care about the world and rather prefer to sit afk than play the game.

Heck we saw the same pattern in DF with the crafting system. Folks ignored the quests and were confused how it worked. Folks just outright prefer to ignore the world at large and that’s the fundamental issue at hand.

Flying is a symptom of this so what dragonriding did was create a compromise; you get flying, but have to land. Meaning folks got the convenience but couldn’t afk and had an incentive to participate in the game and activities.


The handwriting is on the wall for Ion. If WoW gets another expansion, regular flying won’t be locked behind anything.


People make nonsensical comparisons to try to whine about flying. It’s been a thing for years.


The truth and nothing but the truth.

If arachnophobia is an accessibility feature than so is TBC normal flying.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I rest my case. Nonsensical comments are nonsensical.


I guess it’s a good thing we get both then.


Unlike you I post on these forums free of charge. But like I said TBC normal flying is an accessibility feature and BlizZard is going to have to face that fact!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: