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Have you thought of adding bonus objectives to older zones for experience? They look like something which people would use as an alternative for leveling up after they’ve gone through the content a lot of times.


Hear hear. I love the bonus objectives.

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Are we going to get cosmetic rewards in 8.2 for leveling the heart of azeroth? Bfa is seriously lacking incentives to do its content.

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I have always been an avid Horde devotee and typically love their story but this Xpac i found it was reversed. The story of Kul Tiras was intriguing all the way through and even had good emotional punch to it. I agree it would be nice to see the Horde story get more love.

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Any chance to release Neutral Allied race on BFA?


they silently hot-fixed it because on day 1 it was only 500 resources to get the BoA cache of 500 resources

Crucible of Storm loot and other items similar to their effects:
What is your reasoning for getting rid of a secondary stat(sometimes both) for a unique proc? Why can’t we have all 3 so that we know this piece will last us for awhile. Do you like it when we replace every piece of gear every tier now and not let previous tier gear be BiS for us?

Given the push back against putting so many abilities on the GCD, has an internal GCD separate from the regular GCD strictly for cooldowns ever been explored? If the idea was to stop CD stacking, this could be a good way to prevent that without making the classes feel clunky.

Some of the smaller RP servers seem to be suffering from lack of players like Earthen Ring. While they were once a busy active RP server, they are hurting from lack of active players who have left the game or transferred off. Can they or some of the other RP servers expect to see mergers or changes to how RP servers work?

I have an idea, but I think I would post that separately.

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What rp servers really need is re-institution of the vanilla rp server tos with the new one click report support. Rpers used to have a really hard time getting gms to enforce the tos (half the time i had to tell them it existed!) And just stopped trying and blizz watered down the rules- all before one click reporting which i feel like would have gotten a lot of use.

Can we have the rp realm tos back with one click support blizz?

What is the status on addressing the current BUG’s for hunter pets, mage summoned water elemental pets, warlock summoned demon pets, an unholy death knight summoned undead pets? (the bug is: since 8.1.5 released, if you dismiss the pet, then mount up, as soon as you dis-mount your pet is automatically summoned. also in some cases they automatically attack surrounding hostile NPC’s which is rather annoying.) I know there’s a lot more bugs to be fixed, but this 1, to me, is the most annoying. my post describing this in detail is below

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Spell batching had a significant impact on how the game was played prior to WoD, especially at higher levels of competitive pvp. Will spell batching make its return in Classic so we can experience the game the same way as we did back then?

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Will there ever be consideration about changing the day and night cycle? I’m on the East Coast. If I join a West Coast server to play with friends, I’ll be playing during Azeroth’s daytime almost exclusively. Since my time frame for play generally remains the same, it would be nice to experience a mix of night and day.

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When I run on the line for the calligraphy world quest it still don’t pass it.

After I run on the line 8x I pass it.

Why am I failing this world quest 8x in some cases but pass it first time in MOST cases?

Will we ever see a continuation of the Pandaren lore inside the factions (namely Aysa and Ji’s perspectives)?


Any plans on addressing the “Endurance Training” BUG, and the “Aspect of the Wild” BUG? these bugs affect:

  • “Endurance Training” BUG - character health shown on the portrait is off both with no pet and with pet summoned link describing this bug below
  • “Aspect of the Wild” BUG - while aspect of the wild is active there is no 10% increase in critical strike chance bump shown on the character page, so it’s assumed the increase isn’t being applied.

Q. Why was pet summoning behavior changed in the patch. If we had no pet summoned when we mounted we should continue to have no pet summoned when we dismount. That is how it worked previously. That is not what is happening now.

Are there any plans to implement account wide reputation? BFA is a ( alt-heavy ) expansion due to the allied races + with the expansion of 50 character slots. I just find it hard to work on older reputations / reputations in general while having so many characters.

( p.s. the pathfinders for older expansions should be moved to a gold purchase ).


I’ve been having the same issue an asked the same question see the post above post #912 also see post #917

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Could the political circumstances currently confronting the United Kingdom as it is poised to exit the European Union negatively impact our fellow British and/or European players with regard to playing World of Warcraft and participating in its community? If so, what is Blizzard preparing to do to alleviate or ease any such difficulties for them?