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What do you mean free? Removing the pointless rep grind from the War Campaign does not make that free. You still have to level a character of the opposite faction, gear up, and actually do the War Campaign quest chain. You’re missing the point. Grinding the rep is not hard at all, and I’m doing it regardless, I’m just saying it’s a pointless step at this point in the expansion.

Hi Ion.
What parts of the current expansion do you think are fun?


What are the current release plans for PvP in Classic WoW?

Rexxar the most notable survival hunter is dual wield meanwhile we are stuck with two handed and chance of getting dual wield option?

Why has there been no major class balance in almost 5 months? Tank balance is awful and some dps specs are still useless.

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What happened to the old portals!? Did Sylvannas and Anduin simply forget to pay the Kirin Tor Portal Utility Company? Can we start a collection and get legacy portal service turned back on?! The longer travel times are so very BORING!!!


Do you ever plan on extending the Auction House timer beyond 2 days?

Is anything going to be done to combat the fact Alliance side is a ghost town impossible to get raid teams or any other content on?

Points to raiding history in Legion and beforehand then points to BFA’s raiding history

Edit lol would love to see Lore fumble my characters name.

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Any chance of there being serious talent overhauls? Some classes, like BM hunters run the same talents for every situation. Pretty poor design.

Can we please get world quests for leveling? Incursions are nice but it would add way more to the world.


Why can’t this development team do anything in the game that isn’t based on an RNG-system of randomness? The RNG in this game is EVERYWHERE and what’s causing me to log in less and less because I honestly feel like I’m playing a slot machine more than an MMO.

Do you truly love RNG this much or does the development team just lack the creative ability to come up with an alternative?


Sylvanas burned them.

Can we have Teldrassil and 90% of the nelf population back while we’re at it?


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OOOOH, I’D LOOOVE to see the answer to this.

If there is allied races for future development will there be alternate ways to obtain them or will it always be a rep grind?

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Can we stop calling Vulpera, Sethrak, Tortollans, etc. a potential “allied race”? For crying out loud… what race what they be allied to?!

Allied Races have been, and probably always will be, a sect of a currently existing playable race. Mag’har Orcs, Lightforged _Draenei,_etc.

They may be a playable race in the future, but they obviously cannot be allied races.

They mentioned they know it sucks before but don’t wanna fix it in a patch.

Can you please do something to thwart realm hopping gathering teams. In BFA I see a lot more players in zone / shard this means more trains of multiboxers.

I am an on again off again WoW player, so i guess i would be in the “casual” constituent of the player base. There are a few questions i have regarding upcoming content patches.

  1. Will there ever be more sweeping changes to character growth and leveling ala the change to talents in Cata? I ask because even though the old talent trees did not have as many ‘epic’ choices as the current system, at least there was something to look forward to every level. Leveling has become incredibly boring for this reason, at least in my estimation. As others have pointed out, adding more ability options during leveling would up the excitement of character building more. I am all for limiting ability bloat but i feel it has gone so far that each class has dropped to a 3-4 button rotation that is the same for everyone playing that spec. The days of, for example, frostfire mage specs, were fun and i feel like each person was able to fine tune their playstyle to suit their tastes. The pre Cata era was more experimental and i loved that. Something more akin to Wildstar’s system would be awesome.
  2. Are there plans to be create more race/class combos and customizations? LF Draenei only have 5 classes and it makes me not even want to bother unlocking them. As others have also pointed out the lack of custo options for the Allied races is often poor, particularly the Nightborne. I do however love how many more races are available now and the Kul Tiran humans in particular, i absolutely love the design of.
  3. What is the plan with flying? This is my single favorite part of WoW and at this point, i feel like it may as well just be removed entirely. In my opinion, this is the one thing i find in game to make 0 sense at all. My wife loves to play with me but she, after just two months of “getting hooked” on it, barely wants to play because we can’t fly in the majority of the game and it is too much work for her to unlock it for previous content. Every time we play in newer zones she hates it because flying adds so much freedom and fun to exploration that is suddenly taken away for no reason other than what feels like the developer saying, “nope, we dont want you to have fun, so we are just going to take away features for arbitrary reasons.” The pathfinder system sucked when it began and now it is progressively more asinine with each expac. There is no lore reason for this and i am sick of my flying mounts being relegated to walking. There is a lot i love about WoW but blocking flying is the one thing that is absolutely unforgivable. Just stop doing it already. It took me over 3 months to unlock flying in Legion. Wtf? Remove the artificial blocks and let people soar. I can understand a lot of the design choices and changes that get made (heck, i actually kinda like Azerite armor abilities) but there is no sound logic behind stopping flight.

Will we ever be able to purchase a class change ? Mage to warrior training :slight_smile:

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What is the reasoning behind removing boss skips in raid?