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Would it ever be considered by the dev team to try m+ timewalking dungeons?

Exactly, everyone else has had an opportunity to explore their motives or explain why they were going forward with some plan, while Sylvanas has been limited to “Show up, do something ‘evil’, leave”.

This question will most likely be ignored, but I’ll try anyway
Any chances of Frost DKs getting some changes on abilities on GCD? (Empower Rune Weapon, Horn of winter, Path of Frost come to Mind). They are currently very slow and with a lot of dead times. The class was known to be a fast paced, fast action, consistent damage spec.

New mode ideas. PvP Brawls - Class vs Class 20 vs 20 of equal spec availability - Paladins vs Druids. Warlocks vs Hunters. Death Knight vs Demon Hunters. Rotate classes every 10 minutes.
Weekend LFR- First 3 bosses of LFR. Who ever beats each boss first gets a free token roll so people can reque but unless their winning they might not get more loot. LFR ends when first team kills last boss. Make popups on screen like achievements like first boss engaged. First boss defeated. Have like the pvp scores at the top of the screen display show how many players are currently alive. Could use scaling tech and use old LFR bosses from previous raids to encourage leaders to turn on in game chat so they can explain fights quickly to players to get an upper hand in the race instead of typing it all out what you have to do.
Top 3 bosses I’d use would be Sartharion, Marrowgar, Grong.

Ahoy! Since Legion, optional play styles such as single-minded fury for Warriors were removed in favor of Artifact Weapons. Can we possibly see a return to such weapon choices for Fury Warriors as well as Frost DKs and Monks? On a side note could we see the return of 2h Enhancement and DW Survival Hunters?


Will there ever be a Q&A specifically to address class design?


Void Elf pally like the one in Borulas when ? :smiley:

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Fantabulous - Aussies will understand!
I understand the need for transmog to exist with level restrictions so as not to confuse the enemy in pvp. It would look funny for a level 29 to be walking around in whatever the current season pvp gear is. Perhaps we could get all expansions gear we have collected except the current expansion available for transmog from level 1. I believe it would help to be a gold sink as well if I had to pay what it costs in vendor price to xmog that item and Trial of Style is coming next week :slight_smile:

With some portals going away, perhaps the ones that have been removed could be learnt by mages. Still leaves the accessibility of those portals and creates a social interaction between players. <3

Has there been any discussion on the issue with rare mobs and treasure chests in the open world? Back in the day, it used to be exciting to find these things while questing. Now, I actively avoid them.


Random world chest we see around BFA zones. Could we add small azerite pieces to them? Back in legion those small chests had little bit of AP so I’d like to see that return and give a bit more incentive to go after them.

Smaller chucks are normally 5, 10, 20 and 30.

The alliance had a few quests with the Sethrak in Vol’Dun during the War Campaign. At the end it’s stated we will need to rely on the Sethrak’s aid in the future. Is there going to be any more story interaction with this intriguing race?


Ion always says he can’t get into in depth class design questions in these Q&As. Since class design is easily the most important part of the game, can we have class Q&As instead?


Regarding healing has the focus been shifted away on healing downtime to be more dps based. I dont know how many examples there are but what comes to mind was Shamans at one point could extend their healing rain time for each lightning bolt cast. Where as now we have increased damage output. Eg, flameshock, lava burst and lightning bolt does more raw output then Elemental spec. Has this been something your trialing or an unconscious design?

Are there any plans to introduce more end game dungeons for BfA? Those of us who primarily do Mythic+ as our endgame progression would like to experience new areas, bosses, and stories just like raiders get to do.

Question 1:

Will we be seeing any attention given to Arcane this expansion? Changes were made in the BfA alpha that made the spec feel disjointed and broken, and it was left that way with no further comments explaining the changes.

Question 2:

Why are all the best crafted items BoP? We used to be able to craft and sell those items (or send them to alts).


Gear feels pointless. Any plans to limit the catchup mechanic in future seasons? A lot of people stop raiding after they kill Jaina because they know that in season 3 WQ gear will drop Mythic BoD gear.

LFR and Normal should drop crafting mats and not gear. This will give players the option of which gear they need to move on to Heroic. WQ should not reward any gear. If we want gear we must do challenging content. This will help bring back guilds and social interaction.

To help foster making the world feel bigger perhaps the warbosrd could provide one old world area that would be provided to be leveled in that offers 5% xp buff that funnels both alliance and horde to it and a portal in the portal room for fast and easy access to the area. One area per leveling range. So like Outland and Northrend area grouped together, Pandaria and Cataclysm. Shard only players with that bracket to be able to see other players so players +5 levels above zone aren’t phased to you and griefing.

May be in the minority here but i would love if the heirloom xp was put into a tabard or shirt, something, freeing up the major slots for gear allowing players to feel a sense of progression through leveling, because the talent system and just new spells in general feel really underwhelming as the only form of power progression in leveling.


Loot no longer feels rewarding like it used to. Between the combination of transmog, sharding, and titanforging, getting a piece of loot is no longer exciting because it is so transient. If you get a new weapon now, or those mythic shoulders, do you stand in orgrimmar and show them off. No, because of sharding you’ll never see those people again. What’s worse, people pay far less attention to your gear appearance because of transmog. To add even another level, remember those old, amazing PVP videos of someone getting the best weapon in the game and then smashing people in battlegrounds? Now what does your loot do for you? What do I get if I were to kill mythic Jaina and get a 415 weapon? It would be easier to kill mythic Jaina next time…

I believe another reason for this is each new patch makes the next irrelevant. It is extremely frustrating to gear up your character - only to have to go back in those same dungeons, to have a chance at that same gear… 15ilvls higher. Progression in BC and Vanilla used to actually feel like progression. If you couldn’t kill the boss, you didn’t see the content, you didn’t see the story, and you didn’t get the gear. Item level is being artificially inflated by the sheer amount of high level loot availability. Titanforging may be rare, but when there is such an insane amount of possible loot, it’s extremely easy to gear up to the level of a mythic raider…without being a mythic raider. For example, I got a new character to 120, and within 3 days it was >400 ilvl. That is the level of being fully geared from the heroic raid - which that character had done once. Between the warfront world boss, the warfront quests, and spamming mythic 0s, there was just too many chances at loot and titanforging happened too easily.

It used to be that you had to farm the raid to progress in the new content, but with your seasons, you’re making a raid that’s only a couple months old, completely irrelevant. This is made even worse by the huge jump in ilvl between raids, because of the huge number of difficulties. Maybe it’s time to go back to the good old days of: can’t progress to that level? Then you can’t experience the content. It gave you something to strive for, something to achieve.

You know what I strive to achieve now? A +15 titanforge on a piece of loot. RNG on top of RNG is the main force keeping me playing the game, it’s pathetic.

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