Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread 🐍

Maybe yes!
Sethraks are working to rebuild their society!
Creating good relationships with other peoples from different lands is a good way to make up for lost time and get resources from varied sources!

And it is very interesting that sethraks and tolvir are getting along! This creates a relationship with other peoples without depending on those coming from orbiting zandalar!

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I could see that working if the Vulpera decide to attack them over what a majority of the Sethrak did in the past to them (hatred is strong in Nisha) and only idiots would think they wouldn’t think to do it, after all Orc Camps are constantly brought up and have the same thing basically.

Also i think Sethrak can live anywhere outside Deserts since snakes are surprisingly adaptable (minus visual adaptions) for enviroments, Vol’dun use to be lush rainforests before it started becoming deserty and only the Faithless seem to want to actively spread it, they could live anywhere in the world hell they could adapt a instanced version of a Island Expedition Island as there new hub, maybe the unlock Scenario involves helping them construct there new home (like the extra Campaign back in Warcraft 3 the Frozen Throne) and some of those islands do look pretty good.

Only issue i could see with this is like with real world people they value there birth heritage a little too much and wouldn’t want to leave specially after all there work they put in (even if there isn’t many well structures there) namely the temple to Sethralis herself and unless she willed for them to move it might be too hard to get them to go unless they intend to live in both places, maybe send the former faithless off to protect them (from Nisha! lol).


Yes! this is a possibility! All we have to do is wait and see how the lore of voldum had gone from there onwards to the Sethraks and Vulperas!

New Q&A thread up and one of the top questions so far is about allied races moving forward now that KT and Zandalari Trolls are live. Hit up the thread and like the AR question for better chances of getting mentioned in the Q&A.

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Normally, I always disappoint myself or hear dismal Q & A news!
I do not even usually watch, since I am routinely not informed of anything that interests me or is relevant!

Let’s see if in this March Q & A, I’m surprised and hear something relevant about sethraks and other future allied races! :snake:

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not that I’m expecting it to be answered but well…why not throw it out there?

not even asking about AR just involvement =\ involvement alone might lead to a better answer instead of just asking ‘will they be an AR contender’

also posting this to promote it:


I will definitely be making a Sssssethrak! :snake:


you and me both. If they’re announced, I will be able to REALLY enjoy the game in all its glory~


I will level an Alliance character so fast for the unlock if they get Sethrak.

Please, Blizzard, we need a non-mammal race.


we need another non-human based alliance race in general <.<


Alliance needs more, non-humanoid* races :stuck_out_tongue:


Besides the fact that Sethrak are just cool af, they compliment whatever side they would go to because they are so unique. There are too many elves and human types running around. There should be more diversity to choose from in a fantastical world. I would love for them to go to the Horde because that’s what I play, for the most part, but that would be kind of selfish of me to be making any requests. I have said before, I think they should go to the Alliance because I really believe they would attract more players to their dwindling ranks. :wink::snake::pray:t2:


I never thought of it like this. :o You’re right! Regardless of who they go to, though, I am ready!


thank you for the correction xD my brain is tired today…

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Oh I didn’t think you meant humanoids :sweat_smile: eitherway, I wanted to chime in on the thread haven’t checked on it in a while, and I haven’t heard much about Sethrak since after 8.0 any news about them?

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oh I actually did :stuck_out_tongue: alliance is essentially flavors of humans: normal, short and stout, midget, long-eared, cursed, thicc, dark-absorbed longeared

the only alliance race that is remotely different than anything else on the faction is the draenei xD;

would love something more on the alliance to make it really feel like a fantasy game <3


Quoting from the Vulpera mega thread. It is sound Advice and we should probably do the same.

:snake: :heart: :fox_face:


you can trust that I will certainly help in staving off any unwanted behaviors and defend our sethrak until otherwise proven against us~

There will certainly be salt if things go as we hope, or if not, then I will be respectful as I always try to be :slight_smile:

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I’m coming in about a hundred years late here but I’d totally play a Sethrak rogue


better late than never! And sethrak rogue would be very fitting~ any ideas on names? ^^

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