Some players are frequent bg deserters. Would it be possible to make the deserter debuff stack and account-wide?
When you try to faction balance war mode, would it be possible to differentiate between OCE and NA? OCE has a healthy alliance population and them being encouraged to turn on warmode because we are still counted as NA is pretty unfair.
Are there any plans to introduce Ogres as allied race in future patch?
Why is it that if I was to do arena or RBGs I would be rewarded with higher ilvl rewards as I got better and obtained a higher ranking, but if I was to do mythic+ dungeons the gear caps out at a very low key level compared to what is possible? That’d be like if ilvl rewards for arena capped at 1600 rating instead of at gladiator. I know that higher M+ key levels do drop additional pieces of gear, but that means very little when 400 ilvl pieces are downgrades in 99.9% of cases. Most people at that point, when you’re doing level 20+ keys, are just hoping for titanforges. Why can’t the M+ system have scaling rewards like the arena system up to an equivalent level to gladiator? Why does it have to cap out so early?
Will there be more race class combos for some of the older classes? I understand previously the blizz team are more open as long as the possible new combinations do not break existing rules in the current Lore. Examples:
- Night Elf Paladin - Order hall initiating new NE pallies in Legion. They also worship Elune which is associated with the Light.
- Zandalari Warlock - Was omitted but at one point was planned as one of the classes. Also the cleft of shadows do have warlocks, maybe they can train since some trolls can be mages.
- Worgen & Goblin Monks - Unlike the hero classes, monks can train current races right?
- Draenei Rogues - WOD introduced some Rangari Hunters, perhaps some choose to be more sneaky as the two class archetypes are similar in some regards.
Hi guys love that you put these out regurly. Shout out from the Oceanic servers. Will there be Oceanic servers for Classic or will it be a true to Classic and have no Oceanic servers as we know a lot of people might not be playing classic beyond launch and would not warrant the costs or lack of community? Ps- I would like Oceanic servers
You mean to tell me you have to do new/current tier content if you want the best gear?
What would you rather have? Every tier have the exact same item level with zero feeling of progression?
If you don’t want to farm after killing the last boss, that’s your own problem for not finding something else to do. Unsub or find other content in the game.
People who finish Normal can go into Heroic, and Heroic to Mythic.
People who complete Mythic take time off/prepare materials until the new tier.
Gear resets are not frequent, or steep. They come every raid tier. Always have, always will.
You mean like Saurfang and Talanji had the whole expansion up until this patch?
Hello there, I’d like to earn flying in Draenor however seeing that you unlock flying in Pandaria towards the tail end of legion I’m afraid to put in that effort only to see it get unlock in the near future. Do you intend to unlock Draenor flying or can I safely I vest my time in unlocking it?
Can you make a micro holiday called Vanilla mode. Where it disables any auto matching feature such as LFR and LFD including PVP unless queuing arena with your preorganised group. No flying at all for any areas and no meeting stones. I just want to see if people adapt and really bring out the social in people again and make some new leveling or raiding buddies. People might hate it but they will remember that other new friend they made who banded together to go out into the world and get it done.
Titanforging and Warforging feel counter intuitive to consistent raid groups. If someone has a piece, and it warforges, then they cannot trade it due to these trading restrictions. In guild groups especially, this feels awful. I would rather trade a higher item level upgrade, than keep a 5 item level proc upgrade for myself. Any chance we can have this addressed?
Once Classic launches, would you consider porting those old assets and content to modern WoW and allow us to access the old world via a Keepers of Time npc? I think it would be cool if we could visit the classic environment and content with modern features such as the new talents and transmog.
This would also give us a hefty amount of alternative content to level through, and allow us to play through dungeons and raids as they were prior to the various revamps we’ve seen over the years.
Can we get a new channel that is linked to players classes and faction. I believe this may assist in players getting better information from real people to be able to assist them. Sure they might get 10+ people troll them but I believe there will always be that 1 person who will whisper them the right knowledge and take them under their wing and show them the ropes and be able to talk more one on one. I dont like having a lack of feature in game to find a community. Just give everyone a base community of what class they play. I was hoping with class halls something like this would come along. Not sure of logistics with the amount of chat that would have to go out to each server and classes to see it might be taxing on the chat servers and be scaled back to per battlegroup or per realm.
can Dev make female and male toons can marrige to each other and they have the couple skills like : teleport to their partner, or heal their partner, etc…
any plans to implement challenge sets like in mop, or wod. no real information has come out if their going be continued or if you done supporting challenge mode dungeons.
When are we going to see a quest line as long, beautiful and engaging Suramar quest line again?
The war campaign with it’s couple quests every couple weeks isnt engaging me like the legion storytelling did
Warlocks can breathe underwater?
Lift Transmog restriction please. Legion artifacts have shown us that we can transmog our existing dagger/offhand to look like a Staff, so why can’t we do that with non artifacts? Furthermore, Assassination/Subtlety are the only two specs in the game /locked/ to using a single weapon type. At the very least, they ought to be able to Transmog out of that.
Fury should also be at least allowed to transmog into 1h weapons. I can’t think of many things more iconic than a berserking orc with 2 1h axes, or a rampaging worgen with fist weapons over his claws.
…………Do better