List of things you want/dont want in future WoW

-End to external power system that make up more than half your character’s DPS(10% of power is acceptable unlike current combination of azerite+essences+corrupted gear being 60-70%)

-Stop the removal of content from WoW be it quest lines, legendary items or mogs

-End of game of thrones level stories, focus on a deep realistic for the universe story, not big flashy controversial moments.

-Democratization of gear. Stop locking gear behind big group activities, everyone should have the chance at good gear solo or not, make it more grindy but the option to upgrade to good gear should be therefor ALL and not just behind high pve activities

-More good solo content like Mage towers, and dont give groups huge advantages like you did in visions and probably Torgust

-Stop stealing our characters’ control for your cringe cinematics

-Give us more RP choices like in the Sylvanas loyalist questline so our characters have a sense of character instead of brainless good hero lul. And dont remove the questline like you did with the sylvanas loyalist one

-Bring back big rotations and broken cooldowns, I was told swtor pvp due to the amount of huge and rly strong cooldowns in pvp is similar to MoP pvp, everyone had OP abilities so it was balanced and fun unlike today’s pvp

-Remove race/class restrictions, we are individuals and individuals can learn to be any class even if they culture is against it, our characters are supposed to be better, not some brainwashed by X culture character that cant be a warlock cuz their culture says its bad

-Bring back legion level table and upgrades, they were fun, not overbearing like WoD and not useless like BfA.(And dont lock character progress behind it obviously like you did in legion)

-End timegates, If people want to no life it, let them, keep artifact knowledge so it is easier for returning players.

-Account wide reputations

-Make crafting take effort to level but make the rewards worth it, make gear upgradeable to a high ilvl and not locked behind raids or X activity outside of just a ton of mats

-Give broken racials to alliance for a while in order to balance out the factions before the alliance dies out completely


I want more Paladins, Vulpera Paladins!


I don’t want the quest experience to feel like a single-player power fantasy where characters can’t stop giving us hand jobs because we’re the Champion of the Maguffin Garrison Hall or whatever.

I want WoW to feel more like a sandbox.

I want another Eastern Kingdom / Kalimdor update.

I want mounts to be an actual form of gameplay with abilities, leveling, stats and equipment, instead of just pixels and sound on top of a speed buff and for flying to come with risks/gamification to offset the convenience of it. Things like flight hazards or fatigue bars that require you to land etc.


Don’t want
-Rng on rng on gear (titanforging/corrupting/warforging/bonus sockets/bonus tertiary…)
-Dailies for power needed to raid or pvp (or simply just no “ap” system.)
-uneeded gcd on abilities
-crossfaction anything
-mission tables (please enough)

-classes gameplay to have the option to be more complex with talents, not just option to choose between aoe and single target
-More talents rows, less borrowed power like covenant in shadowland seems to be or abilities being only usable in pvp (with pvp talents)
-Might as well say talent trees too
-More balance patches for classes, atleast for pvp. This is just insane how some broken things take a whole season to get fixed and some just never do.

You mean communism really. I see how people can like that concept, but really it doesn’t work in pratice. It just make people leave or not bother with harder jobs/content, moreover in an mmorpg which is a work-like based game.

There are also some better ways to make the ilvl disrepancy between 2 players less snowbally like reducing the ilvl between difficulties and reducing the ilvl inflation between raids (mythic becomes normal, make it like heroic).

To be fair I agree at this point with what they’re doing with dks. But it’s still weird to me that every race could be every classes.

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Blizz doesnt care about feedback, they dont even read the forums

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I don’t know , more stuff and things. :expressionless:

Forever bodyguard followers, from lvl 1 to max, follows you in every content, and has the Legion’s Dismiss Follower button so they can go away or resummon by your side whenever you want.

Don’t tell me to roll a hunter, I have THREE at 120, and TWO Warlocks as well.


i want
mounts you can actually fight on
movement speed buffs out of combat (i main tank, please for the sake of thralls elemental balls let me move faster then a turtle when you want me to do big indoors puzzles)
a minion based tank class (i have this army, good luck getting to my allies)
a place like the garrisons pet zone i can show to others and a mount zone to go with it (i just wanna show off my babies ;.; )
(i mean glitches, i really dont want any more breaking through the map when im trying to climb a staircase, or quests just… not working)

Too tired to tap out a long list on my phone but the biggest request is for pathfinder to be just exploring the map and maybe the main story line for each zone.


I agree with a lot of these, especially opening race/class combos.

Oh yeah also

Probably the reason I tolerate the deaths in Legion compared to GoT. GoT is pure shock value. I’m fine with the deaths of characters but not when it’s just to make up for poor writing to the point where you need shock value to keep going. That’s dumb.

If anything blizzard seems to do the opposite of what players want.

  1. Make the game more grindy because it’s never enough!
  2. Add a much longer version of pathfinder that takes at least 1.5 years to complete.
  3. We need more rng because it spices things up!



I want a tiny clowncar mount that can fit up to 20 people. That and I want a giant pickle to invade azeroth and we have to join forces to beat the pickle. Also, hats so big they’re about 5 times as big as my character. Also a battle pet themed expansion and a new class called The Meatgiver. His role in WOW is to hand out various meats to everyone. He has a special move where he bastes you with his gravy baster.


-For the nelf customization, remove the color dependency of hair and marking colors. Let them be separate.
-More class/race combinations. Specifically, night elf and draenei warlocks; draenei rogues.
-More class related quest chains that benefit in some way. Just like the warlock green fire, perhaps a priest and paladin quest that turns your bright golden light into bright silver light. See class/race combos and add night elf paladins to the list.
-Nightborne druids… PLS

Don’t want
-What happened in BFA to happen anymore. No more smashing several story plots into one expansion, just stick to one or two.


please blizzard, dont make me level reps especially like you did for tortollans
you had 3 total wqs and it wa just the worst kind of slog…
let us have our flight… flight makes everything better… it makes dzar less of a pain to get anywhere, it makes knocking out wqs easier, and once we have the story done its not like we’ll be skipping content or anything


Horde and Alliance should never hold hands and be able to play with each other.

Race and class restrictions add flavor to a race’s identity and culture. I hope they never allow anything to be anything.

They need to stop removing content in general.

Time gates and other daily things should be abolished from the game’s future design.

Mission boards should stop existing

I want a server merge.

And i’d like for cross realm/phasing to be removed.

I want professions to have a bit more importance to the game.

Alt friendly systems should always exist.

I’d like some racial traits to be reworked. Mostly the original 4 races on each side.

Unconventional classes and races should be explored more.


I want that too, for the RP servers that have low pops.

Also as it stands, sharding sucks and can have one side completely overpower the other in Warmode. Pls stop.

I’d also like to know what Xal’atath is up to

Timegates should be reworked. I don’t like how, say I want to unlock flying now as a returning player… I need to waste 2 weeks of treating this game like a daily job logging on every day so I can do my 2hr list of chores to unlock a reward.

I understand Blizzard doesn’t want people to log in on patch day and nolife a reward in one day. So that’s fine. Have a little cap of how much you can obtain on one day. Then let that cap raise each day. So that by the time returning players resubscribe they can do as much as they want and catch up asap.

More things need to be account wide. Why is WoW the only videogame in my thousand+ large library of videogames that treats the player like 20 different people? My WoW account is not a Netflix account used by multiple people. It’s me, a single player… who unlocks grand time consuming tasks on my main character. I don’t want to have to repeat this extra nonsense if I dare decide I want to experience a different perspective of the game and decide to roll an alt.

Reputation, Essences, AP, any of this extended nonsense needs to be an account wide progression. Where whichever character pushed the furthest, that is what gets counted. Like the achievement system. Keep track of individual progression if you want, you don’t have to, but if taking it out somehow breaks the game leave it in just make sure if I do something on one character then all my characters can reap the benefits.

No more RNG on RNG on RNG. Removing titanforging just to replace it with an even more powerful corruption system isn’t the answer. I’ve only gained one piece of corruption gear sofar despite doing 5x the work of people I know who’ve obtained multiple. And of course the one piece I got has the most useless modifier so I’m leagues behind through no fault of my own. Why not let us voluntarily corrupt a piece of gear with what we want at the cost of currency? Sockets should ALWAYS be something added via currency as well. A currency UNIQUE to socketing and not a talent system tied to progression we won’t be able to benefit from until after months of grinding. Same with “warforging” what was wrong with us bringing an item to a vendor and spending currency to update it X amount of times?

Also bring back reforging. It was only cancerous because we had stupid stats that no longer exist in the game. Such as hit rating which had to be at a certain level to be viable and anything past that was a waste. Maybe I want to just turn my useless vers into crit or something let me decide what stats I want to play around with.