The game isnt only for mythic raiders, their opinion isnt more valuable

What’s wrong with my route though? Picking what I like aesthetically, and then utilizing the abilities/soulbinds/etc as good as possible? Worst case scenario, even if I do 90k DPS and the guy next to me does 100k, isn’t 90k at least still really good?

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of course that is fine as long as you’re happy with it.

but not everyone is going to be happy with that.

During progression (first half of the expac really), that 10k makes the difference between completion, then timing, etc.

I personally don’t care to min-max - which would make me sympathetic to Ralph’s premise - but the bottom line is that he is defending a terrible, player-unfriendly system in an equally repugnant, vile manner of conduct.

One shouldn’t have to choose between aesthetics/roleplay and gameplay power. And like I said, it’s not even a question of doing 10k less DPS. The (awful) way Blizz is building their classes from now on require the right Borrowed Power for the class to feel fun.

Really, the Covenant system is just a big symptom of the underlying issue which is failed class design.


yes it is.

Nothing’s wrong with your route. The problem is a large percentage of players can’t make that choice freely.

that has literally nothing to do with

and you also seem to of forgotten your stance on external power,

because covenants absolutely make up more than half of our characters dps

though it’s weird such a non toxic elitist such as yourself would care about DPS?


They should leave the game then cuz that is how the game is designed now

No it’s not. I guarantee Blizzard will change covenants.


covenants in their current form does not change min/maxing and metas from existing. it just adds another layer to it.

there is still a best option.


The irony is Ralph has killed mythic bosses.
And is the biggest elitist/troll on the forum.

Same thread everyday tune in for more popcorn.


Yes the layer of you can’t change them so can’t be optimal for every boss : 3

Optimal choice is obvious for each boss, content, the thing is it is different for each boss therefore you can’t always have that choice

Which apparently is ‘suffering’ for tryhards based on their description of not being allowed to change them like talents.

If they don’t like it, too bad, the game ain’t for them

class balance already prevented people from being optimal on every boss.

yet people still play the game.

btw, weren’t you whinging about 10k-20k dps being a big deal?

sorry, you weren’t whinging… you were MOCKING someone for thinking it wasn’t a big deal,

so there’s Ralph’s answer to your question

Mythic isn’t terribly hard, especially this late in the patch. The harder Mythic bosses are at the end too.

The people upset by covenants aren’t exclusively people who min/max. A lot of them are casual players. It doesn’t affect me, but I argue for these people.

You’re a toxic bully. Good job.


If there’s enough persistent feedback going into Shadowlands they absolutely will change it.

Because if people really did start leaving like you want them to and there were enough of them, Blizzard would panic and change course.

Their vision of what the game ought to be is nothing compared to their bottom line.


This is exactly why flying still exists, yes.


Oh drop the act. Making covenants difficult to switch back to is not an “RPG element”. That’s just something you lot are parroting since Blizzard said it.

If they really wanted to lean on the RPG side of things, then the Covenants should be desperate for our aid since we’re the only ones who can go into the Maw and fix the anima problem. They don’t get to be choosy beggars when their only other option is to completely fade from existence.




Fair enough.

I’d be fine with covenants being swappable if us loyalists at least got something out of it. Maybe a feat of strength and a special themed reward at the end of the expansion.

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yes, you pick your class and your spec.

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Have you seen the current expansion? Worst case could mean that you’d be doing 90k compared to the guy doing 180k.

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