Limit the amount of people that can q random bgs together

Here are two links with official writing with some interesting content, explanations.
Take note of the stance being made. Moving forward, I am sure we will see some positive changes in the future. At the end of the day, more participation is always a good thing.

These are official notes which we both found and quoted for the forums.


Ah yes, a blue post made years ago. Lovely.


Seems pretty straight forward. I look forward to those changes being implemented sooner than later

Considering that blue post was either from Cata or MoP to my recollection, so 13 years ago, and there’s been zero changes since then, you’re going to be waiting an awfully long time.

Is that why you’re undead? So you can RP the skeleton at the computer meme?

Solo shuffle was implemented, so who knows what else they will try. From what i have read solo shuffle is one of the few content available for solo players and is having a lot of success

Solo shuffle isn’t bgs. Might want to go to the arena forums if you want to fawn over it.

I’d like Solo only queue BGs but this will cause more people to play BGs and more premade players to lose their GY camping against non-premades and will come to the forum and whine.

They are already trying to circumvent the idea of solo only BGs by constantly responding to any thread in relation with a “gEt FrenDz and Sklz.” lol.


Solo queue bgs already exist. They’re called random battlegrounds


Solo queue BGs as in… Only player who queued solo will be placed in the BGs, no premade. Perhaps Duo max, but otherwise any 3+ man premade will be placed in their own queue.

Its funny your trying to defend the fact you need an organized premade to pvp in random battlegrounds though. its funny to watch


I actually don’t. I just premade because I enjoy the social aspect of an MMO and it’s funny watching you children mald because you don’t understand the concepts of random bgs.


It’s funny you immediately equate anyone not quing alone to a trashcan who needs to be carried in random bgs lmao.

Believe it or not there are alot of WoW players who enjoy playing this game, this online multiplayer game, with friends or guildies. And it’s not always the case that we have enough online to do rated games, should we be forced to que up alone just because some smoothbrains on the forums can’t grasp that fact?


Straight from Blizz. I don’t think it’s us that misunderstands the concepts of random BGs.

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You do realize the thread that that quote is from was regarding oQueue right?

The addon that let 10-15 people all que up together? This blue post wasn’t talking about 5 man groups.

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Funny, when you queue solo in random bgs you play with others and is still an mmo. Organized groups of players steamrolling unorganized randoms is not the intent of random bgs


You’re linking a post from Cata, there’s been zero changes since then, and premades have been around with zero repercussions since vanilla.

Also, that post was talking about third party addons synching queues via automation. It wasn’t about premade groups formed normally.

Swing and a miss there, bud.


Ok… cool. Never said it wasn’t lmao.

Has been a thing since vanilla. Too bad, so sad.

Solo players like this too believe it or not.

It is called rated

How about this one?

“Pre-mades in the normal queue, however they are formed, are not something that we’ve ever been particularly fond of.”

Posted by Daxxarri later on.

Cool guy. Fond =/= banned or against the rules.

You might wanna spend less time trying to be a smart aleck on the forums and more time with a dictionary.