Limit the amount of people that can q random bgs together

This game was supperr sweaty, we went mid, a bunch of them rotated mid to counter us, we went shrine, same thing. Fairly certain a bunch were in a group together, we were playing sweaty and typing furiously but they rotated wayyy faster than we did. I have a bunch of doubt that randoms can be that unified that consistently.

If not limiting the amount of people that can q together for randoms, what’s the solution to not have to deal with this? If I wanted this type of experience I’d q a rated bg, not a random bg.


It didn’t stop anybody in ebgs.

Play a different game.


There already is a limit. Its 5


Why? Because they were better than you?

I lost therefore the game must be chaged or I’ll cry in the forums!


Which does not work.+++ :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Just drop queue until you get the same pop.

they wont change this, its been an issue for years.

face the wall.

coordination > individual skill

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Should let groups of up to 40 queue for 40(35*) person content.


He just said limit to queue togther. I never said there werent ways to queue separately, at the same time.

you definitely seem like the type to lorde your superiority over others while sitting in a discord call heavily relying on the advantage that provides LOL. Yes I complain when there’s an issue like that, sort of goes against “random bgs”. Rated bgs is where this sort of thing is expected.

that’s unfortunate, guess we’re still a mini-game to blizzard. Oh well, just gotta deal with it I guess, might as well get into rbgs since a lot of my non-rated bgs end up feeling like rbgs anyway.


Random bgs, for the millionth time, have zero bearing on who you’re fighting. It has to do with map selection. Hope this clears you up as you navigate your life.

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I think you need to take a step back and remember what kind of game you’re playing before trying to call someone out for playing in a group lol. This game was always meant for you to join a party and group up to do content

And of course i rely on my teammates, I’m a healer. If all i had to heal was players like you i would have quit the game ages ago. People who don’t know how to play with a group are just cannon fodder


I like solo queue healing against teams as long as we have one of similar power, it can be great. Then we don’t and sometimes I hate it but then some dps comes in and they’re good and really doing what they can to win despite bad odds and I really work to help them.

Solo has its charms, haven’t grouped with anyone for BGs since WoD but I like to think I group with everyone. I have a healer on both factions, I’m in your BGs. Sorry I’m not better but I honestly think you’d rather have me somewhat competently healing than even competently dps’ing. Match making could be improved but don’t remove the ability to group.

Is a skill though lol.

True because its not an issue. I have a hard time believing you cant find others to play with.

You are right op the real reason people rely on groups is due to a crater where personal talent should be. Gigachad and the emperor didn’t get to where they are by constantly relying on other people. No they got it done themselves in fact other people were the emperors downfall cause he was perfect and they were not. He learned the hard way if you want something done right you have to do it yourself

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does this matter ? what if I do or what if I don’t, some people don’t so just eff them right? kick rocks.

mental gymnastics and hard cope kind of energy here…

No, because of little nerd raging babies who need to premade in order to spawn camp and grief casual players. Go play rated bgs with your premade, you have no business in casual randoms. This needs to end, period. Tons more people are paying customers just trying to have some casual fun than there are these premade tools who can’t hack it on even ground. Blizzard shoudl listen if they care about their funding.


It needs to be zero. Go play rated content.


I always felt that people who premade non-rated simply aren’t confident in their own abilities and are hoping their “friends” are good enough to carry them.