Limit the amount of people that can q random bgs together

“If I won’t do it, no one should be able to”, is what I keep getting from these threads. If gearing was too much of a chore for some, we’d see threads complaining about that too hey, wait a minute.

Yes I very much enjoy rated bgs as well.

But rated games take 9 other people. Sometimes there’s only 2-3 other friends/guildies online. So we que some randoms to warm up/kill time till the rest of our guild logs on so we can do rated.

What is wrong with that?

At this point these threads are great for a mid day laugh. I sometimes wonder what it’s like to be so pathetic whining all the time about everything under the sun.

I think this Sthis dweeb is like the 15th person in as many threads that’s linked that old blue tweet, usually claiming we’re going to get banned for premading.

It’s cute.


Tbh that’s really all the forums are good for as a whole lmao

Sometimes you can get some good information on the class forums or info on here/arena forums for pvp.

Usually though it’s people crying about non-existent problems.

I never said anything about banned.

Weird, what I always get from these threads are “Premades are fine” - Person who premades often.

Let’s look at the changes to PvP over the years since Cata.

Twinks disrupted the PvP experience while not breaking any rules. Separated queue.

F2P twinks disrupted the PvP experience while not breaking any rules. Separated queue.

It may not happen today. It probably won’t happen this year. But eventually, blizz will do something about it. On Twitter, Reddit, and these Forums, people are complaining about premades in PvP.


Oh yeah I know there can be some good discussions sometimes.

Was mostly a tongue-in-cheek comment lol

Yeah man. You keep listing things that have zero to do with premades.

They’ll get around to fixing premades in bgs about the year 3000. I think that’s when the Jetsons are born.

Arena, maybe? Just warming up you can queue faster and get same results with finger looseness. Unless of course you want to jump some lowly solo players with your buds.

You’re probably right, hopefully they’ll let raid groups queue against eachother, instead of this arbitrary group limit of 5 we’re stuck with still.

You whined all of legion

I… didn’t but go on there champ.

Not premades. Complaints. This is a business. People will stop playing PvP if they feel like they are getting stomped by premades. People won’t stop playing PvP because they can’t group with their friends in normal battlegrounds. The problem has only been exacerbated in previous years.

You can call them whiners and you can call them complainers but Blizz has a word for them. Losses.

If 3 other guldies are on we’re just supposed to arena and make one of them sit there? Because it will hurt the fee-fees of some guys on the forums if they lose a random bgs to us?

Nah, im good

There really are only two things you can do about this.

  1. unsub and put premades as the reason you are unsubbing. Voting with your wallet is really the only real voice any consumer has at the end of the day.

  2. make some friends or join a guild and find your own party.

Trying to tell other players they can’t play with their friends because you don’t like it is never ever going to happen.

You like the other people in here really, really like to play up this weird idea that the segment of the population that cares about random bgs or bgs in general is vocal enough to affect anything.

You’re not.

idk about that one bud. maybe stop trying to restrict people based on your own weaknesses, this is wildly jealous

A casual player base is the bread and butter for any MMO. Nothing about premades are casual.

You play rated often. Are you just going to stop playing rated content just because you can’t group up with your friends in random BGs?

Most communities are casual communities, that run premades with people from all spectrums of the game. You keep labeling people as being sweaty nerds or whatever like all we do is live in bgs to kill the poor, innocent solo queues.


Even being in a group means you’re a sweaty try-hard now!?

Lmao wtf

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Sthis has ascended to Tier 1 clown status.