LGBTQ+ Pride Month Micro Holiday?

Sings the troll song nice and loud.

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It’s funny reading through this post I didn’t expect it to get these kind of responses. I don’t have an opinion just was seeing everyone else’s was.

Month might be a little long, a week or weekend sounds better.

But I know that you’re being disingenuous with this thread. Maybe if you didn’t burn people, your threads would’ve been taken as more than just a mockery.

It’s not a month, in the title I advocate for a micro holiday. Just like a mini march in empty cities to give them some life.

OP does not deserve the type of hatred the community gives him. I wouldn’t be surprised if more than half of these replies are from extreme alt-righters. Blizzard is becoming more progressive and it’s only a matter of time before lgbt community gets much needed representation. I’d happily participate in such events and encourage blizzard to do so as well.


Fair enough, I think a week would be the best fitting, as you brought up Darkmoon, which also lasts a week.

Good luck :smiley:


Thank you!

What’s sad is you’re in the minority with your kind of posts. If people don’t like the post they don’t need to come back again and again trying to stir things up.

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“If there is any REAL fear, in these posts, it’s not fear of LGBTQ+, it’s fear of CHANGE. Their World is changing around them, and THAT is what really scares them.”

“Is there a word for that phobia?”

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I’ve gone thru the list. Several of them were the same account (achievements are a terrible way to check accounts btw).

I’m not saying I wouldn’t say no to a slice a pizza from you… but I would insist that Talonel have a slice first. For… Equality. :smiley:

Sounds good to me

Good luck getting Blizzard to provide content. They can’t even release a content patch.


The 1 LGBTQ thread that I totally agree. Very good idea Talonel.

I recall a micro holiday players organized in a certain Classic Server. The opposite faction (horde) came crashing the party xD

I love wow. For real.

Unlike in reality there’s no Saint Nicholas, but there’s still a Santa in-game because it’s fun to celebrate events.

All the in-game events are clearly just IRL events with quarter-arsed lore justifications and that’s fine.

You can continue playing the game. Micro holidays are optional events that anyone can participate in. Lgbt micro holiday would not be a bad idea and those who wish to participate can easily do so. If you’re that closed minded about lgbt representation, feel free to ignore the optional event.

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i dont think that would fit the wow universe.
dont get me wrong. i understand why we need that holiday here and around the world but warcraft universe dosnt really hate lgbtq or view us as other/strange.


Obiviously some think there is some sort of percived hate of LGBTQ in game as a member of this community I haven’t found it yet but everyday or week there some sort of we want MORE inclusion or something else added in game. Where does it stop? many of us who are LGBTQ don’t find this funny and is doing more harm than good for the community.


so i got to clarify something on my stoner brain.
i think there is 100% a small % of the wow gaming community that is anti lgbtq.
but i dont think the wow universe lore-wise has a distinctive % at all. like zero lore to contradict. therefore i wonder how it would fit in as a holiday our characters participate in.
our characters being azeroth citizen number 900 not joe

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your brain is correct there is no way it could work in game cause Azeroth doesn’t have real world issues in it. But some want to try and say it does.

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“You just gave me a thought. What about the Birthday of one of that couple? The Stag and Unicorn. They could just create a Birthday Party, once a year. Or maybe we could celebrate their Wedding Anniversary?”
