Forums are NOT an airport

And this thread is already plane silly. :small_airplane:

/The Entire stadium crowd booes at bari.

Then ignore them, problem solved.

They have just about as much right to post on the forums just like you do buddy boy.

Like this thread? :roll_eyes:

And discussing World of Warcraft they are. Quiting threads always if not, most of the time has to do with World of Warcraft, in that giving feedback, whether it’s constructive or not.

Blizzard often directs those players to the forums to make their threads about quitting there and give their feedback there as well.

Okay i really don’t get this whole airport thing, are you saying that because people come and go like an airport?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yeah, let’s not discuss about Blizzard changing their prices or anything like that on World of Warcraft, I.E, the thing we have to pay every month in order to keep playing it.

I do agree that Bobby Kotick has nothing to do with World of Warcraft. He does have everything to do with Activison-Blizzard as a whole because he is the CEO of Activision-Blizzard.

Pot meet kettle.

Gee, i wonder why they get overshadowed and/or flagged… /s

What is it that you said again? :thinking:

Do as i say, not as i do. :upside_down_face: /s

Yeah, it’s not like you tried to derail Rhielle’s thread in there by assuming that she’s trying to be a moderator or something. /s

I could explain why you’re being pretty hypocritical here, but honestly, this speaks for itself… :laughing:

♫ Do as i say, not as i do. ♫ :kissing:

It’s Fortnite.