LGBTQ+ Pride Month Micro Holiday?

yea thats a large jump i dont think they can really establish. and to think i was excited about a new holiday.
dude we need some holidays inbetween the majors.

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I’ve noticed others are trying to slander the OP and that thread got removed. Along with another player advocating for a straight pride event. It’s sad that they misunderstand the reason for lgbt community pushing for more representation. It’s just further proof that the trolls on here try to shut down any lgbt feedback thread. Thank you blizzard for removing those obvious hate threads and it shows you care you lgbt representation. Keep up the good work! :rainbow_flag:

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Oh you’re fine, just don’t ask why you can’t kill all the npcs in WoW, moderators don’t like that.

Do… those counties even have internet access to start with?

Now I’m gonna have to go get a cheesesteak for lunch, damn you

Yes some have better internet then the US as well.

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Eh, internet speeds are kind of like train routes, no one wants to plow money into a system for 15 people. The larger cities have decent speeds but good luck out in the middle of say, Kansas. And by decent I mean videos don’t lag too bad or whatever. and depending on the provider. I mean, south korea has some really nice interwebs, but they’re also kinda crammed in there, so… yanno. more incentive. Japan too I think?

Another one of my posts restored… stop reporting my posts I’m doing nothing wrong by supporting representation in the game.

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dont mind me, just getting the correct spelling of the names right for the ole ignore list. cya!

What are you talking about? My posts get restored when they get mass flagged. If yours or your contemporaries are being removed that’s because the Blizzard Moderator is MANUALLY removing it for forum violations.

Believe it or not alot of countries invest in internet and other services to placate their population also makes monitoring for potential troublemakers super easy to do.
That being said there are laws against certain lifestyles that have harsh punishments. So companies tend to avoid something that would cost them profits and or be banned from the market.
Focus is generally in larger metros sure but even in remote areas you can get a very good wifi/internet connection for free or at internet cafes.

Sure is weird where this thread went, somehow ending up (for the moment) discussing internet speeds and quality.

The op got exposed posting on an alt and then liking his own posts on other alts but yea off the tracks.


Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and UAE are countries that all have really good internet, being OPEC nations.

9.06 million UAE citizens are active mobile internet users. 53.16% of users connect to the internet using smartphones, 45.30% use computers and just 1.54% use tablets.

96.4% (an estimated 1.29 million online) of Bahrain is connected to the internet.

There were 32.23 million internet users in Saudi Arabia in January 2020. The number of internet users in Saudi Arabia increased by 4.3 million (+15%) between 2019 and 2020. Internet penetration in Saudi Arabia stood at 93% in January 2020.

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I’ve always wondered how Blizzard could add more LGBT representation like a micro-holiday. I think they could incorporate is like adding it as a monthly event in every capital city. There would be rainbows and you’d have the option to purchase special lgbt toys, cosmetics, etc… The more I think about it, the better this event could be.

Yea except they would get banned from many countries especially china so yea no. Also you dont need to be recognized in a game bad enough we got to deal with furies.


What are you even talking about?


how about you get off the forums and quit asking blizz for stuff and do something yourself? in reality your just a troll. my server has all kinds of things lgbt going on so if you really really cared you might get off your butt and do something yourself.


Just make a group and use bubble blower rainbow generator and fireworks.

Why let wow choose the day and time?

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The reason why this will never happen is because blizzard is in deep with both Russia and China. Both severly ban and outlaw homosexuality. It wont happen. Blizz loves chinese money thus why they locked down the free Hong Kong hearthstone escapade. Just like the gay kiss in star war being a pointless token pander thats meaningless as its just removed for China. This holiday would be hollow as blizz would be just as disney and not acutally care or recognize our rights because chinese money is more important. They censor undead and blood for China they certianly wont do an pride event :confused:

Isnt there a toy in-game where you can blast someone with your rainbow?