LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

So ahhhhh Spoiler for the upcoming Folklore book

Spoilers in coming

Here they are:

So I guess something gets confirmed about Chromie. And yes, it’s the thing you’re thinking of.

I like that it also kinda works with her one HOTS quote too.


That’s amazing… Assuming it is the thing I think it is…

It is. I don’t want to like straight post the spoilers here but:


Very cool - But is anything going toward the Trevor project like last year or is it just straight Rainbow Capitalism? :frowning:

I don’t know where the thread is but someone is organizing an in game pride march event on retail. It should be around somewhere in GD. I saw it about an hour ago.


I thank you. I am so happy.

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I found the thread. It isn’t just a march but they are also giving to a charity.


It’s always funny when people try to be all “THEYRE NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP STOP IT” when there’s been many different comics with Venom and Eddie where they talk about how they’re kind of in their own marriage

Also if I’m not mistaken they’ve had kids before. Not even including Carnage who is technically Venom’s

The whole Venom movie thing is just surreal. The folks involved with the first movie didn’t like it at first and thought it was just a cash grab. Then people LOVED it. Including a lot of people ( myself included ) that are fans of relationships with monsters. So they’re just “Oh…ohhhhhh. Um…well okay then” as they make a trailer to make Venom seem like a rom com for valentines day. Then they double down on the domestic stuff for this second movie.

I mean cmon Venom is going near fire, a big weakness for him, just to make Eddie some breakfast. My heart.


It’s kinda difficult for me to feel hype about that. This isn’t a very healthy reaction. I’m aware. But it’s difficult for me to feel hype with transwomen stuff. Transmen are just so overshadowed to the point where some people aren’t even aware they’re a thing.

Like. I’m happy. But at the same time there’s that ping of jealousy even though we have Pelagos. It’s this annoying nagging invasive thought in my head that never quiiiiite goes away completely.

That being said. I wish we could see Pelagos and Chromie just hanging out. They’d both be such dorks


Wish Mom wasn’t asleep. I’m in one of my rare singing moods. It’s rare because my dysphoria tends to screech in my head if I sing. Since I’m pre hrt. My brain just goes “NOT MY VOICE AHHHHHHH” ( I also rarely talk to people for this reason. If I have to I keep it brief )

I just wanna sing The Now Now even if it’s 3:30 in the morning. Ah well

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I hope I’m not bothering you or making things worse; but on the ftm Vs mtf isn’t it easier to feel like you’re treated as what you present as ftm than mtf? From the few that I’ve seen, with a bit of hrt you guys end up looking manlier than me.

Ehhhhhhhhhh yes and no

AFAB folks tend to be given the “Oh they’re just a tom boy” treatment which doesn’t feel super great to me. Tom boy is still a girl and it always bugged me to be called that growing up.

Also even if I bind my chest and try to talk in a low voice, my hips still give me away lol

I’m pre hrt but I’d imagine I wouldn’t change so much mass wise if I had hormones. I’m still a runt but at least I would sound like a male runt lol

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Ftm guys often pass quite well on a surface level, testosterone is powerful stuff.

Mtf girls often have better luck with SRS.

Pros and cons!

True. HRT is like magic. It’s always neat to watch someone record their change over time.

It’s crazy how effective the t is for ftm. If only e worked as efficiently.

Still wish bottom surgery was better for FtM. Currently it just seems pointless. I did hear of a recent transplant that worked but I can’t imagine every ftm who wants that can get it.

Thankfully packers exist. I can live without one since my dysphoria is more focused on my voice and chest. But sometimes its just nice to feel something there

If trans men really wanna get macho, yes the T helps but you also gotta work out to get your body going.

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With the amount of guys seeking hrt as a performance enhancer at the gym I hope it doesn’t end up being harder to get for those with dysphoria.

Or maybe that’s just you tubers making the gym problem seem bigger than it is

Odd I didn’t hear of that. Well here’s hoping.

It’s hard enough to get hormones in the US. I can’t help but feel a little angry / jealous when I see people in other places get HRT so easily and sometimes for free. Including way cheaper surgeries. I’m happy they’re getting the body they deserve. But sometimes I just wish I was in their place.

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Took a few years before they would sign off on me starting e. But there is the informed consent route as well. Supposedly that makes it a bit easier to be prescribed

Hi there! This is the event I will be hosting on Saturday June 5 at 1pm cst. We will also be interviewing other queer content creators in celebration of PRIDE MONTH!

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