LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Odd I didn’t hear of that. Well here’s hoping.

It’s hard enough to get hormones in the US. I can’t help but feel a little angry / jealous when I see people in other places get HRT so easily and sometimes for free. Including way cheaper surgeries. I’m happy they’re getting the body they deserve. But sometimes I just wish I was in their place.

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Took a few years before they would sign off on me starting e. But there is the informed consent route as well. Supposedly that makes it a bit easier to be prescribed

Hi there! This is the event I will be hosting on Saturday June 5 at 1pm cst. We will also be interviewing other queer content creators in celebration of PRIDE MONTH!

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Christ I hate threads like this.


Like I don’t even understand the point of this thread. At first it was at least about WoW, now it’s just the same 5 people constantly going off-topic, while this thread still somehow remains active (and in GD at that).


So leave.

As explained multiple times. Trolls would make threads and people would cry we should make our own thread. A non troll made this thread so we can just chill and talk.

It’s like the one off topic one Blizz seems to allow here on GD.

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But like, SCOOBS! How do you know they are queer ?

This thread needs more rainbows like WAAAAAY MORE

No, a few people suggested that, most people said they just don’t care and don’t want some of those ridiculous suggestions to be taken seriously. Equality isn’t about segregating yourself from everyone else and making your own megathread, most of which has nothing to do with WoW ANYWAY.

Yeah, geez, wonder why. You add “LGBT” in the title and it automatically gains immunity.

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Honestly, if it bothers you so much why are you still here, replying and helping keep the thread on top anyway?

Just ignore mate, you’re not mandated to participate on every thread in the forum.


There is a difference between segregation and just wanting to be among people like you for two seconds. Especially when the other group of people is basically going: “Hey you dont belong here” all the time.

We’re just chilling. If that is an issue for you, that is not my problem

??? Uh. No. Considering Blizz finally booted Tulnn the other day for his nonsense that’s very incorrect.

Ironic that you bumped the thread to complain about it.

Did you know, there is a mute button on these forums? You can curate your own front page!

Edit: also we were talking about chromie and the pride swag in the blizzard shop - all WoW related. Do try to keep up.

Well I am just pointing out the clear bias from the Blizzard moderators (or possibly fear of the optics of removing this kind of a thread), leaving an off topic thread, such as this one, active in the GD forums, because, and only because, it’s an LGBT thread.


Ohh you did it again! Thanks for the bump sweetie :kissing_heart:

It’s no different then the lounge thread they have up and it narrows it down to a mega thread instead of a bunch of little threads on the subject.

This thread also gives members of the LGBT+ community & those of us that support them a place to talk ideas that would be interesting to see in the game .


Mute and move on.

the point of this thread is for ppl in the community to meet, discuss and chill

what is it to you??? dont read it


I am not even that big into comics and even I know they have a LOT going on with those two.

And good for them. Finding love is so rare and precious hehehe

Also, Yeah I would love more slice of life WoW. Pelagos and Chromie would be great.

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This thread, on the world of warcraft forums: Currently talking about how Chromie, a character from world of warcraft, has been confirmed as trans.

Some guy: Wow. What is this off topic stuff?

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