LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Haha my sisters also doing classes I belive for biology major but I cannot remember the feild exactly so shes been juggling that with two kids. I sadly still havent really figured out what I want to do in life so just working the blue collar work in dusty warehouses!(yuck)

I cant recall the last time I wrote aomething that long and I know you will give that professor an eyeful to take in. I think when I had to write long papers in school I would fill it with more then enough to likewise feel sorry for the reader haha

Lords of Dread are imo an annoying boss mechanic this time around. There seems to be vey little room for error. Deff on alot of fights in this tier. Mythic Desaus sucks so muchā€¦ I dont honestly know if my sanity will survive to the dreads in mythic as a healer x_x. Not fun as druid.

Was the arm asleep the one where its hurting or when its full on dead numb wont move THEN the pins and needles? Had the numb to pain happen alot and OMG its freaky and so much screaming into the pillow for me til the pins and needles feeling stops xD hope you dont have it againā€¦ It happens mostly to me when I sleep on my stomach with my arns up I thinkā€¦

Sorry for the car trouble they dont make things to last but thats great your dads able to fix it. Is he a mechanic? If so our dadā€™s have that in common haha. Though when it comes to my parents they are both do it yourselfers fix it uppers.

Remodeling the house again last I seen. They love to redecorateā€¦if I only had half the ability. Partner has gotten me in a bad habit of doing nothing on off days! Orders too much pizza!

I actually need to get my butt in gear and get a liscenseā€¦35 and still not driving. Got a bit of a phobia of driving in a carā€¦apparenlty common with autism but Iā€™m just coming to terms just thought alot of things I did were just normal quirksā€¦but learn something new everyday I suppose.

I just donā€™t trust my temper with a car


Might be blue light disorientation I get that if Iā€™m nose to my phone in the dark. Dominant eye tends to focus more the the other so it makes your vision disoriented.

You both swapping to alts to post and stir up trouble in multiple threads, when all I stated was your ā€˜evidenceā€™ of them being the same person wasnā€™t very credible, given you said use of the ā€œ:nail_care:ā€ emote ā€˜gave them awayā€™ and it would make a lot of other people who frequently use it the same person as well.

Further, if itā€™s guilt simply for saying something like that then youā€™ve been defending transphobes in that thread for quite some time. Itā€™s a very poor argument, and you resorted to consistent insults when the only one I offered you was turning one you used against me back to you.

I been looking to save up for a polaris slingshot xD I love it looks like a batmobile! Haha

It is pretty wild how a 1-2 ton machine capable of running down swathes of pedestrians is available to the majority of the human population. Almost scary when you realize that considering how some people act lol.

Didnā€™t you photoshop a discord conversation to discredit someone. I donā€™t think you should be talking about evidence


Mm, nope. I was harassed by someone with the same discord name in another server. So I guess you shouldnā€™t talk on subjects youā€™re unsure/donā€™t know about.

More goes for you, especially since youā€™ve stated that without evidence. But I see people would rather instigate more drama than actually try to be correct or shut down someone else instigating others.

Oh the irony. Thank you for the laugh. I did see the evidence as did multiple people confirming it was photoshopped in the thread and then you left the thread after awhile. Itā€™s not going to go away XD as much as you claim otherwise


you made the drama friend


What evidence? That they claim the ā€˜pfpā€™ was off or that there was ā€˜discolorationā€™
Left after being shown it wasnā€™t the same person in the discord server, as their discord IDs didnā€™t match up. So again, you donā€™t know much.

Not here, and not in the other thread. I did not, I also didnā€™t bring up old drama into this thread. Said people that would rather attack me rather than be correct in anything and continue drama did.

If we want to trudge up old drama, you were the one incorrectly stating I was never named and shamed in the MS discord in the first place. I would also ask you not to misgender me because you 100% know better.

Do furries count as LGBTQ+?
Or are they seperate but go hand and hand?

Furries are like 90 percent lgbt actually.


Show the evidence then spill the tea. Show me what you showed them? :smirk:. I think the thread is still up I can look for it if you would prefer and then maybe you will leave the thread like you always do when you are backed into a corner with nothing but baseless accusations

Ooo careful now they might say youā€™re gaslighting


I was quoting a meme, but if you feel that way Iā€™ll edit that out my apologies. :slight_smile:

Okay, are they now socially accepted?
Or does everyone still think itā€™s really weird and immoral

I mean youā€™re talking to one now

How does that work?
You guys just are sexually attracted to animals or?

Itā€™s more of in a itā€™s just popular to make fun of but nobody really cares class. Itā€™s like when people make fun of weebs or people who are nerding out. Anyone being geeky gets that flak. Including the WoW community I guarantee you there are people out there that will be like ā€œYouā€™re still playing that game?ā€