LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Everything pawzer accuses me is really just who they are really.

The evidence of what? That the screenshots were not photoshopped as you claim and that it ended up actually being someone else impersonating said person to cause trouble? You made the accusation that I photoshopped them, you provide the evidence that it was. Thatā€™s how it works.

Go for it, since you care more about attacking someone rather than doing what is right in any given situation.

I guess since you want to start in, youā€™d know more about that than I would. Continuing the behavior that you so despise is not very becoming.

No. No I am not. I just like anthro stuff along with monsters.

Stuff that would pass the jack harkness test anyway

Again where is your evidence link the screenshots proving this happened. Everything else is moot until I see it so I can be wrong right. But you donā€™t want to share it because people pointed out it was photoshopped. Yes I made the accusation but you could easily counter this by providing the screenshots but you donā€™t have any to prove this happened? Itā€™s so fun talking with you :relaxed:

You consistantly jab pseudo insults and brought my ā€œparents idea of meā€ into a cute little quip and days before insert yourself into a tyrade.
Not really coming off as anything but condecending. The multiple threads were only the multiple threads created by the same 2 people 5 times go down the GD list theres at least 4 posts by one and 2 by the other all in the same week.

Pointed out as bait troll threads. Not my fault you cant see that. I observe and find similarities between engaging with them differently and they both react pretty much identically to the two.
Also your logic makes no sense at all to me Ive seen no transphobes I see and support people not wanting bad actors to continuing to make bait posts day after day using LGBTQ as some kind of sheild.

You act like Iā€™m the only person calling them both out in the forums for blatantly using the same topics to bait. The only ā€œguiltā€ is I cant 100% prove one way or the other its the same person.

I am likewise not stating ā€œeveryone who used it isā€ that once again I said in post before if you would stop jumping to bait a rage, was stated that its odd for a ā€œnew personā€ which the person claimed to be to agree with Talonel on all his posts even ones where he favd a post the OP said was a phone yet also agreed with Talonel then in other posts after plays like he doesnt know who that is.
Does the same quirks, the same emote mixes, pushes the exact same things and knows the game so well for a new person yet has not leveled at all has the same name as an old orc trolls name with 1 more u and L. Then does the nails in a snark way.

Its putting two and two together along with half the forums pointing out the call signs he does.

You cant see it thats on you, you want to make bad faith defense for a troll thats you.

But dont come calling me a pobic for standing with those telling a troll to stop whos putting lgbt in a bad light and call me a phobe. You obviously dont habe a clue or have not been paying attention, and your ā€œhelpā€ is poison water when you come baring it with malous and hostility.

When everyone knows its a troll and you still support their rediculiousness youā€™re just instigating to bait in more aggression and hostility. Seen enough of your interactions to know that.

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I finally checked out this thread under the premise of it being a safe space, just to find that the rainbow in OP is just a thinly veiled guise for toxicity.
Not sure how some of the language used here is conducive to a place Iā€™d want to ā€˜loungeā€™.

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Youā€™re just checking out a thread and looked up posts from 16 days ago?


when it rains it pours with drama I suppose lol.


Its more like larping or comicon but you are your own character mascot.
Fans of anthropomorphic characters disney robinhood, loonytoons, zootopia. Theres alot of characters. Egyptian gods would be considered anthropomorphic as well.

Theres weirdos in all fandoms sadly and the bad seems to always get magnetizedā€¦ And while welcoming furries can sometimes be a bit too welcomingā€¦ Most are very kind and friendly creative people with tons of artistic abilities and skills.
Its just another form of identity and expression. Some people find it easier to be outgoing when in characer. Its really about fun.

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If you didnā€™t like such a thing being used against you, maybe donā€™t say it? I literally basically threw your words back at you, that was it.

From what, exactly? Vague posting again.

Yet instead of doing what you should when you think they are, you continue to eat the bait as you call it.

I can see similar behavior, but I cannot without evidence just go ā€˜yeah thatā€™s the same personā€™.

People have been engaging with me calling me all sorts of other people including a CC member because of ā€˜posting similaritiesā€™ so no, I donā€™t in all believe in peoples theories in regards to that.

Thereā€™s a bunch in that thread, that you were more than happy to engage with in a friendly manner while for some reason OP is ā€˜so much worseā€™.

Then stop eating the bait and they drift off into obscurity if they donā€™t break the EULA/Forum Code of Conduct.

Youā€™re not, and I literally NEVER even stated anything about what theyā€™re doing as correct or ā€˜OKā€™ so stop acting like I did.

The only thing I said to you, was that someone using the same emotes on the forums doesnā€™t make them the same person, that you used a poor argument for evidence.

Youā€™re the one that baited me by both posting on an alt to evade, and went into a whole unrelated thread to do so when I hadnā€™t talked about you here in the least.

Itā€™s not bad faith in the least, and I would hardly call it ā€˜defendingā€™ them.

I will call you as such if you continue to be as such, itā€™s really that simple.

Youā€™re doing that, and a couple other in this thread are doing so. Not me.

When have I come baring maliciousness or hostility? Mostly I end up defending myself from accusations like you tried to post here.

All I ask is you not to do that, very simple. There was no reason to bring me up in this thread like Iā€™m somehow defending someone else simply because I disagreed with your opinion on something and Iā€™m ā€˜ragingā€™ at you when the only insult I offered was one you offered at me first for essentially nothing. There was no reason to insult me or spread mistruths about me.

I opened a thread and scrolled for a sec. Does that matter? Are you the forums police? Should I have gone through posts 1through 6876 to gain your approval, officer? Again with the toxicity and itā€™s been literally 3mins.

You scrolled thru 6000 posts ā€œfor a secondā€ ?



You want everyone to see it your way, but what I see with posts like this is you refuse to see it the other way.

A battle that will never come to an agreement.

Forum etiquette seems to be to not reply to weeks/months old posts. Itā€™s just a bit odd. If this thread is that bad Iā€™m sure you can find something recent to be outraged about :heart:


Pawzer why canā€™t you provide the links to your screenshots. You said you had proof but you arenā€™t willing to show evidence

Basically if I bend my arm the wrong way it reduces circulation. Then thereā€™s pain and numbness and I canā€™t feel the fingers completely. They also feel cold. So I use my other hand to massage the bend in my arm and that gets everything working again.

I occasionally experience high red blood cells count. It seems to increase in times if stress. My blood might just be too thicc right now and thatā€™s causing issues.

He used to do autobody repair and thus knows how to disassemble and reassemble things.


This thread is usually fine and chill but everyone has an issue with it. Itā€™s not even hurting anyone


>bigot barges in and insults everyone
>gets pushback
Its like clockwork. :pensive:


Not all furries are LGBT+ but a huge amount of the population is LGBT+ or ally. The furry fandom is super inclusive, often to a fault. Itā€™s generally a safe place to be your true and genuine self as an LGBT+ person.


Eh I am pretty excited getting an art piece of my orc. So I am just chilling going to see it after work which Iā€™m pretty excited about wanted to commission this artist for a long time