Please include more social rules and adjustments for LGBT and Minority Communities

And you prove mine. An instigator and one who does not know what youre even yakin about.
Majority of the LGBTQ and trans players all tell the 2 to stop and I’m on that side of the isle. So what ever youre huffing thanks for the laugh. At least now I know while I may have autism you have some serious fractures in the frontal cerebral cortex cognizant of a bicycle accident.

I get it youre mad. I would be too supporting trolls and thinking that is the lgbtq while ignoring the actual LGBTQ and trans players here telling both to stop for days now of the obvious trolling. You mental issues are worse then mine if you belive what you say…

Your disassociated lapses are making you backwards. Or as always youre simply trying to get a rise. Well its certianly making laughter rise from my lungs so thank you.
I needed ablaugh on the 22nd anniversary of my nanas death to make me smile.

A pleasant night to you.
I shall not reply again as it will only further your spiraling mental state.