LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

So literally your reply?


I dunno who told them it was a good idea to write a story completely divorced from the setting we’ve inhabited for like 16 years in this game.

Also Barth > Frosty


Sometimes they try something and don’t realize they’re talking about themselves. lol



I got my Horde alts on Barth, and Alliance alts on Frosty :stuck_out_tongue:


Not gonna lie, I avoid pretty much everyone on Frostmourne like the plague.

I’ve yet to meet a single person from Frostmourne in-game that isn’t a massive jerk. :confused:

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Oh, so you’re personally responsible for the downfall of When Bored Smash Horde?

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I feel like even ppl from Frostmourne hate other people from Frostmourne. I really just play spotify and ignore chat in-game.

I blame the people making KFC jokes in trade chat more than anything

I mean it’s clearly the combination of literally the two most despicable segments of the population: ‘people’ from WA and Alliance players.

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Honestly if it wasn’t for how emotionally attached I am with my nelf druid (it’s the first character I ever made in WoW) + just liking the more organized layout of Alliance cities, I’d jump to Horde

To me it just shot a little too far away from WoW. Yeah duh its about the realms of death. But in doing so, it really makes enjoying azeroth feel pointless. Which is why I’m so happy Dragonflight looks like a “Lets remind ourselves why we fight so hard for Azeroth in the first place”

Seeing dead characters feels slightly pointless when we can’t see other alive characters react really. Imagine Mankrik meeting his wife. Or Shaw with Kearnen.

Least when we meet characters like Vashj and kael’thas they have that “oh…its YOU” reaction. That was a gem. Vashj just had that Glados vibe which i liked


This + I also feel like it made the world feel so small.

Legion kinda gave this impression of how there’s multiple other worlds whenever we did invasions, and then with the Shadowlands it’s like “well yeah everyone just becomes a runescape classic avatar where they all wear the same brown shirt and green pants,” and I really can’t forgive how they made Amber Kearnen a spider in maldraxxus :confused:


Kinda why I was worried at first with the dragonflight trailer. But once Alexstrasza showed up I was just relieved lol.

Altho I had a very deja vu moment during one part and it turns out its because when “Stony Tony” stirs awake, that little bit of music seemed familiar. Turns out its a slightly more positive version of Dragonblights music. So I like that the trailer gives a “This seems familiar” mood. ( Besides the obvious titan watchers and all that. I hope I make sense )

I still remember practically going “MOM!” when you see Alexstrasza swoop by the screen to catch Tony.

My other fav moment with that whole reveal was watching the stuff afterwards. I was talking about how the dragon models look slimmer but I immediately stopped typing and just typed “DUCKS” because the video then showed the adorable duckies we’re getting.

SPEAKING of adorable duckies that reminds me. I can’t help but think this is kinda how the mood will be when Drac’thyr meet us

Rosenivy in my head is canonically going thru some depression once they’re home. So I’m just picturing him being a little mopey then some Drac’thyr starts following him on the dragon isles. Acting very much like Ducky here


Uh huh so tell us again how you who also talks about your partner, same bait topics, same victim playing while claiming to be respectful when not at any who agrees with you and you use the same emotes as Talonel
Are totally new and not Talonel.:nail_care:<—was your giveaway.

But anywho how was the sushi you and you BF had togeather the other night? :upside_down_face:

Or do you play yourself and your BF when you eat at a table like the old man from the pixar short?

Ngl this is a mood. Like just imagine even IRL knowing what happens in the afterlife and expecting to come back and go back our day. Then add to how our PC’s have gone through 2 faction wars, an undead invasion, demon invasion, old gods invasion, and an alternate universe orcish invasion and I’m just waiting for the day where our own characters lose it and decide to destroy Azeroth cause they can’t even chill for like a week without something going on. This is why my druid is in a state of “just leave me alone and solve your own problems,” for the past few years lmao


Also no longer being soulbound kinda threw him for a loop. He’s also just ridiculously bored of fighting at this point. The whole reason he goes to the dragon isles is just because its gonna be a mostly research mission

Heck Rosenivy is still so traumatized by Arthas that I pictured him backing up a bit even at just the weak little wisp of Arthas in Shadowlands.

Thankfully I plan on having this depression be temporary. Its just gonna take a bit.


Thanks for the bumps.

I think this is canon.

I personally wouldn’t respond to him here because he’s a troll engaging in roleplay. His fake news platitudes are not convincing.


Indeed. Then it seems the rage worgen @ me to the defence saying me going at them was somehow against this group… When we all know and been telling them all to stop the trolling all week.

Just did myself the best favor put all three the peas in an ignore pod.

Anywho Zandrae you are up early! How have things been? I hope well! I just been going through the motions of work ready for my Friday nights off to return! Three day weekends :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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It’s the week before the week before finals and I have some projects to finish. I’ve also made huge stridesin getting caught up.

I have to write a 10 page paper (double spaced with reference list) about trans issues. I feel sorry for the professor. Lol.

I went to bed after raid last night. We came very close to defeating heroic lords of dread.

I woke up and my arm was asleep and painful at about 5am.

The other day I was closing my car door manually because I left my keys in the house and was going inside anyhow. So I press the lock button, and then I lifted the door handle and I pushed the door closed.

Send the door handle snapped in half and fell off.

I yelled the f word at the top of my lungs.

My father was able to get a replacement piece. He’s going to install it today. Shouldn’t take very long.

But I need to clean out my car a little before I take it over.


I do this with almost everything since I hate the current streaming service climate. Way too many good shows spread out between all the services. So I just sail the seven sea’s, if I see something actually good I’ll support it through merchandise ect instead though.

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Omg the room feels like it’s spinning to the right around me.

I’m just going to put my face close to my phone and ignore it.