LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Hate to break it to you, but it is. I’m glad to know you think I’m a horrible person from a pure fact lol.

Nope. People are people. That’s a fact. Putting anyone into a subclass is just plain wrong. If anyone’s rights are stomped on, then none of us have them. And I’m not a fan of the wannabe tyrants who feel they have the right to torment and kill people for how they were born.


For example instead of listening to communities that it pertains to on several occasions you have stepped in to mock “woke people” and to disregard claims of racism, just like you’re now disregarding LGBTQ+ peoples issues in this thread.

Very much this indeed.


And since this topic is up, I was fond of this thread I saw a few days ago.


Yes you did on that thread to a woman

You are someone who loves punching people

But starts crying immediately when punched back

That’s what happened by the end.

Yeah, that would be an opinion, one just shared my most people, I would assume. I highly doubt the kings of old held the same opinion on serfs or peasants, and I highly doubt a modern dictator holds the same opinion of their people today.

See, opinion.

You are just making up random scenarios in your head. No where did I or anyone else claim that. Stating a fact does not mean we want your rights taken away.

Yeah, I mocked woke people.

Are you woke? Are you attacking people in the LBGT community for not being LBGT enough or for having different opinions?

Would you like to know the difference?

Edit: Would also like to point out that none of those examples says anything about me or my opinions on various topics, haha. This is fun.

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The ciswoman who refused to acknowledge that language changes definition yet also insisted that language changes definition in the same post?

If you didn’t want our rights taken away why are you always trying to pass laws aimed to harm us?


Umm I live in California lol. What laws have I passed to do that? Lol

See how you’re mocking the LGBTQ+ community now by purposely getting the letters wrong despite the thread name being right there for you to reference

Like Tarrok pointed out it actually says quite a bit about you and your stances

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Transphobes like you all over the nation propose laws to harm trans people.

Your living in Fresno or whatever rightist enclave makes no difference.

So are you just trying to be a conservative caricature here or what? Should I be filling out a bingo card? Will you be talking about how CRT is racism, and is also anything at all to do with racial issues and history?


I live in Los Angeles. Why are there always so many assumptions.

I am not a transphobe I don’t get why you have to be so childish about this.

Rule of ducks


Sure you do, and I’m the queen of England. My pronouns are Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Magestyself.

You’re definitely a transphobe, you’ve been spewing nothing but transphobia since you got here.

California is not exempt from having people in it that discriminate or have bad takes.

Though I know we do in general get known for being a more tolerant state its far from perfect but I also feel like I recognize the privilege because my experience is vastly different growing up here than you know places that in this thread have been mentioned are not as supportive / problematic in legislation that gets passed.

Discrimination still happens everywhere though is my point I guess.

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Yes, that’s totally mocking the LBGT community and not me being lazy and not wanting to type that entire thing out.

Using your own logic, you are mocking them just as much considering there are more letters past Q as well. What, were the others only good enough for a ‘+?’

Does it? Pretty sure it doesn’t say anything lol.

I mean if you want to do that, be my guest. It doesn’t change the fact you still haven’t pointed out anything of significance and have been wrong on every occasion thus far when it comes to anything I have posted lol.