LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I’m asexual and aromantic. I don’t have a sex life.


I would not say that is true when you say you have been respectful, from disregarding LGBTQ+ peoples experiences w “stop victimizing yourself” to disregarding using correct pronouns, to very apparent transphobia, I would say you haven’t been respectful at all


Everything you’ve said so far?

You’re doing the thing (and not even doing that very well) where you try and disguise hateful actions behind calm words and then acted shocked and offended when the people you’re working against react poorly to that.


Having a difference of opinion doesn’t imply they weren’t respectful in their replies, jesus. Not everyone is going to agree with you, sorry.

So is this guy :point_down::point_down:

People existing isn’t a difference of opinion. Trans rights are human rights


How is this uncivil?

They never said they didn’t exist lol. As far as rights, sorry, that is indeed opinion.

Your contradiction amuses me.

You are extremely prejudiced, hypocrite and biased yourself with all the name-calling, shaming you indulge in this thread and the last one.

It’s also super rude that the goblin hasn’t answered my questions. They still haven’t shared what science classes they have taken nor have they shared sources to back up their claims.

Who used the concern troll lure?

So you don’t believe Trans rights are human rights?

Remember earlier when I noted your usual pushing of yikes takes in various threads pertaining to any minority speaking on various issues pertaining to Blizzard adding representation as well as various other things

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I called someone names?

Having trouble reading? At what point does that state my opinion on the matter?

I mean this is just hot air unless you have examples.

You went on extreme rant on that “don’t attack people” thread

Well, I mean, the fact that you keep making it sound like whether or not people get treated like human beings is a matter of opinion says a lot about you.


Hate to break it to you, but it is. Has been since humans have existed. It doesn’t say anything about me, it says what is an opinion, nothing more.

Hate to break it to you. It isn’t. You’re just a horrible person who thinks the rights of people should be up to a vote or something.


This doesn’t answer my question. I called someone names?