LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I know.

We can be confident that the people with bad takes are outnumbered and will never be able to push their agenda of hate. They’ll eventually all cry and leave and move to Florida or Texas.

You just did it again

Asexuals and others aren’t +

Use the proper name for the rest you intolerant bigot

Same for you.

Stop it.

So then you don’t know what transphobe means. Not agreeing with you does not mean they are transphobic. Words have meanings stop making things up please.

I haven’t pushed an “agenda of hate” you are in fact the one who has been very hateful.

It’s like you keep trying to victimize yourself.

You should probably stop making up science before making demands of others.

LGBTQ+ is an acceptable form of the acronym

Someone whose spent the entire thread with anti LGBTQ+ takes purposely getting the letters wrong as they profess / admit to enjoying “mocking woke people” is exactly what you would imagine it is

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I have done neither of those two things.

It’s acceptable to you, doesn’t seem acceptable to the people you are leaving out.


We’ve read your contributions to this thread.

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You are a hypocrite dude…a classic example of someone who demands inculsivity but can’t be inclusive themselves

Good to see how hateful you guys are to people with different beliefs. It’s a great way to go forward.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, genderQueer, Intersex, Asexual, etc.

So yeah, Ace is part of the LGBT+.

Even if you don’t agree, I’m also trans. I’m not just trans, I’m dysphoric trans and have had bottom surgery and am on hormones.

To my knowledge the proper name is LGBTQQIAA2s+, though I’ve seen it written with three As as well.

Sorry, got no time to coddle people pushing made up nonsense that gets people killed.

Always a name to describe what someone is or is not.
I moved to Texas in 1969.
I was called names, was told my dad is a baby killer and do I want to buy some used blankets and god forbid called a Baggett (hint, hint, wink, wink).
Called a Nazee and a half breed.
Kids can be mean.
Its all good, people change.
No worries.

Lol I feel like you are making that up. Are there really that many letters and a plus sign?


and LGBT+, LGBTQ+ ,LGBTQIA ,LGBTQIA+ all acceptable forms people use of the acronym


This is projection.

You’ve literally being nothing but transphobic this entire time.

Also, please disclose which science classes you have taken and at what level of education you were at when doing so. You have failed to do that.

Also, I’m still waiting for those sources.



Nope. I have no fear of trans people. There fore I am not transphobic. Words have meanings.