LGBT+ in-game community

LGBT+ community is not a cult.

I’ll drink to that.

Woah woah woah. Easy there. You can’t use common sense here. Not allowed. This is a safe zone.

Of course they wouldn’t. Only they deserve special treatment. Or so they think.

Again man. Stop using common sense. It’s like…language barrier here.

I get it. Dealing with humans can be tough. So you should isolate yourself. Exclude yourself. Segregate yourself. Then you need to come back and say how you are segregated. :man_facepalming:

You just don’t get it. We really do not care. We really don’t. We are just sick and tired of demands and constant…non-stop…24/7 thread spam. You guys, or girls, or whatever it is you identify yourself (godforbid you’re offended and feel unpleasant here), feel entitled to special treatment. You did nothing to earn it.

Nope. Can’t use common sense here. Not allowed.

First great step would be asking everyone not to make threads like this every 6 hours. Because THE SECOND I make a thread about me being straight, I will get flagged to ban.

Was it Buzzfeed? Sounds like Buzzfeed.


If LGBT+ is it’s own community then cult is a fair description. Just like any religious community, or D&D die hard fan clubs, these can all be easily categorized as a cult. ( Cult is not necessarily a negative )

Now if LGBT+ are just regular humans trying to get along in this world then not a cult. Nor do they need titles, this thread or ones like it, pride week, representation, or a special community of any kind.

So what is it? Cult? or not a cult? ( by saying not a cult you agree with the above paragraph )


One day blizzard will realize OP is just stirring the pot.

NO this is a GAME not a social media hub. I have nothing against LGBT+ but FFS there are other websites for that AND you have a guild… IF you all get that I want a Straight community hub. Or a Just for men community hub… Since it seems we have to cater to everyone in EVERYTHING now… The idea doesn’t belong in wow… its a MMO where EVERYONE can play and socialize. You want your own community make a Discord for it…

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This is all rich coming from someone who claims they are transphobe. A in-game community moderated by Blizzard would help deal with all my bullet points. You just can’t stand any type of LGBT activity in your game because of personal problems. You’re free to ignore everything and move on.

You guys just don’t get it.
We could not care less if they add a million pride flags. Gay stories or WInter Queen turns out to be dressed up Anduin.

Your “Community” is flooding the forums with spam. Daily. I come to forums to discuss the game, memes, news and other fun stuff.

You know what’s the biggest issue I have with all this? You demand respect. You believe you are entitled to some sort of special treatment, which directly contradicts your desire to be inclusive, as all you want to special treatment and “safe zones” where everyone not gay or trans will be excluded from.

Step 1: Make ingame community.
Step 2: Make a discord.
Step 3: Make a Subreddit.
Step 4: Stop spamming.
Step 5: Everyone is happy.


Let’s be real here, if they add million pride flags, you would care, the forum would explode.

Because it’d be forced. What purpose does it serve? Bland and business-quality Tokenism? Low quality fan service for a niche portion of the playerbase?

When folk say they don’t care. They say it as in “We don’t give much positive thought into the gesture”. Quality stories that carry these themes need to not be so bold and in the face. The sense of discovery of these aspects or interpretations do better. Actions louder than words. Show, not tell.

If we want representation; then it has to be natural to the platform its being applied. Otherwise people will not care in the way you WANT them to care.

So basically they do care.

As much as you do about having a real conversation, pal.

Ok you know what let them have their wish . You know anything we wish for and get from Blizz goes through the Crooked Monkey Paw first.

So let them get what they want because most likely it won’t be the way they wanted and it will be fun watching the OP cry " That’s not what I wanted " and we can all go "Be careful what you wish for then "

Blizz can you make this happen for the OP .Give them what they ask for in the same way you give us what we ask for . Show equality and give them what they want in the way you think they should want it.

I have full faith Blizzard will do a great job with having an official moderation channel for LGBT folk who wishes to participate. So I disagree with you on that.

Oh you’re a comedian . Blizzard has a hard enough time moderating the forums and trade chat . Do you really think they are going to step up their game for one special community ?

Will other groups that are also considered minority or protected get their own Blizz monitored communities and will they be as equally as deserving of Blizz’s time as you think yours is ?

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You don’t care about bisexual people or the LGBT community i bet you haven’t even donated to people in the community or help people in the community who been kicked out of their home a place to stay.

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Stop trying to derail my thread. This post is about a moderated in-game community. What does anything you posted have to do with that?

Because it is you acting like you care about LGBTQ when you are trolling. Tired of people acting like they are leading the charge for LGBTQ people rights when they do nothing that helps real struggles.


You can make one and be the moderator. Kick out whoever you think is a troll. Done. Then you make a youtube channel where you stream the process and get hundreds of viewers.

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My post is nothing but wanting a safe environment for lgbt people. If you’ve read my thread you’d understand why. But instead, you want to be hateful and call me names just because you can’t accept it.

I care about it a lot, unlike those posters that always come first to tell everyone they don’t care.