LGBT+ in-game community

If you want to have safe spaces then provide safe spaces on your own. EDIT: And not once did i throw names i already know this is a troll because im bisexual.

We need to not fight each other, that’s what they want us to do. We can see even now the amount of right wing trolls on these forums is ridiculous, and their thinly veiled hate of us needs to be stopped.

No stop asking

There are already bunches of them.

Make your own community and invite whoever you wish to (you get to moderate it too so no need to complain :slight_smile: You will also not have to worry about people in GD upsetting you or offering conflicting opinions.

To create a World of Warcraft Community:

  1. Open the Guild and Communities window (hotkey is J by default)
  2. Click on Join or Create Community
  3. Click Create a World of Warcraft Community
  4. Enter a name for your community, a Short name (up to 6 characters), and a description
  5. Select icon that represents your community
  6. Click Create Community

It’s one of those “I can’t be X because i have X friend.” response, it’s cheap.

But i am bisexual though i like men and woman. You have a problem with that.

How is it trolling because you’re bisexual, how does that correlate?

You know what they should give you what you want and to show equality they should give all you want in the way they give us what we want. In the way they think you should want it.

How about we keep real-life issues out of our fantasy video game? Keep pushing this stuff and lots of subscribers will leave because of it.

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If that’s the case then you are suggesting that there should be no straight relationships in game as well. You can’t keep one demographic out because of your outdated world views.


are LGBTQIA2S+ a marginalized group in World of Warcraft?

If you can provide evidence that they are, then sure.

After all, one’s sexual orientation is on a spectrum.


What is wrong with people nowadays? Lets split each other into separate groups despite that we are human beings. And now with the made up 3 million genders that further divides people which is what the goal of the Left is: Divide everyone.

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Fake “woke” snowflake culture =/= Left.

I’m a liberal person and consider myself part of the “left” (maybe not far-left, though
) I’m all for protecting the rights of minorities - like, actual rights. I’m also of the opinion that you don’t have a right to a “safe space” because someone on the internet said something mean to you. For that matter, I think “safe spaces” at universities is an abomination that’s producing whiny Gen-Z’ers that are incapable of functioning in the real world (they are the kind that have their mommies show up with them to job interview).


This, i think both side get what they want is the correct approach.

All I want is a safe enviroment for the LGBT community. Perferable Moderated by Blizzard. It would make for less discrimination and posts that call LGBT “snowflakes” wouldn’t be allowed.

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You’re not special a lot of non LGBT people get called snowflakes in GD .

"Snowflake " is a 2010s derogatory slang term for a person, implying that they have an inflated sense of uniqueness, an unwarranted sense of entitlement, or are overly-emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions.

You have the right to be safe, not the right to feel safe.

I know that sounds harsh, but I can’t think of a better way to put it. I would argue that eliminating all sources of stress or disagreement with others from your social life would be a net negative. The way to combat bad ideas is good ideas not silencing those who say things you don’t like.

I’m not defending nor condoning bad behavior, but I believe responding to such behavior with calls to silence them is equally as bad.

Anyways, feel free to agree or disagree with as much as you like. Just wanted to chip in. Cheers.

If you want an in-game community for LGBT+ people, form a guild. Already part of a guild and don’t want to leave, create a chat channel. Want it to span across multiple realms - create a discord and share btags. There are plenty of ways for players to create a legit in-game community for anything. No reason Blizzard needs to spend any resources on it at all.

Then again, the OP is one of the handful of “LGBT+” trolls on GD who’s goal is to either stir drama or flat out hate against the LGBT+ community. Anyone with half a brain can see that. They don’t actually want to support the community, they want to see it burn.


I’m just curious how you think Blizzard would keep the trolls out of such a group? Like what proof does one need that they are not going to troll? What would this proof or application process be like?

Words can actually hurt people more than sticks and stone, and there’s nothing wrong with safe space.