LGBT+ in-game community

Good Morning everyone. Still at it I see?

Can I interest anyone in a :coffee:?

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Is it Ethiopian or Jamaican blue? I’m a bit of a snob when it comes to coffee & those are the only types of coffee I’ll drink.

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I’m sorry, I only serve the freshest Esmeralda Geisha here.

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I’ll try it just because of the name.

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Bleh, hipsters invading the realm of coffee… That’s the real evil here.


Hahaha if there’s one thing I’m not, that’s a hipster. I’m just very picky about certain things & coffee just happens to be one of them for some reason.

It’s quite unfortunate. I just wanna talk about my boys FairShaw but all of it is just trolls. And not the good kind of trolls like the ones in WoW. The bad kind that make nonsense posts on forums!


Your issue is resolved by server hop to proudmoore which I hear is the server of lgbtq playerbase. Or go to goldshire on moonguard eitherway stop the spam threads this is a game you dont need to bring rl junk here.

Why would we support a community for our oppressors? That is like asking a Jewish person if they would support a (German group that had power from 1933 to 1945) group.

All I’ve asked is for a LGBT community thats Blizzard moderated. I’m not sure why others feel the need to change the discussion to another community. Feel free to make your own thread on your question.

Are you chastising me for answering a question posed by an anti gay person, in support of you? Dude really?

No, I’m gay and I’m here to play not to date.
“But you can make friends.”
I have, and it happened in part because I never judged on their gender or orientation.


Blizzard doesn’t even moderate these forums and you expect them to moderate the type of forum you wish to create?

I’m one of the LGBTQ community and I just come here to play the game and socialize with people. I keep my sexual orientation to myself and don’t announce it to everyone, but I’m far from shy about it.

If during the conversation with someone the subject comes up, I will tell them. If they reject me, it’s their loss as I’m an amazing person.

If they accept me, wonderful I made a friend.

Other then that, it’s none of my business what your sexuality/gender is and it’s none of your business what my sexuality/gender is. There is sooooooooo much more to a person then their sexual orientation/gender.

I want to get to know YOU and can care less about what your gender/sexual orientation is especially since we are never going to be in a intimate relationship through this game…at least not with me.


I still cannot wrap my mind around , who and how you love has anything to do with this game. I am not judging. Just wondering…why does it matter? Who i am behind my keyboard does not matter when i play …just my thoughts.


No one cares what hole you prefer


Uaaaa, they have, and you can.

Just make a community in that section, advertise it here for folks to join. You will be the moderator, so you call the shots.

From within this community, you can make arrangements with players to form a guild. And live happily ever after.

Make it happen captain!


Make your own community if you care so much, blizzard doesn’t have to do it for you. They don’t pander to anyone, so why should they start for you?

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Blizzard has gone to a player moderated model. So if you’re joining communities in Bnet and you end up with a bunch of trolls, report them.

That is depending on how much moderation Blizzard wants to does in-game for something like this to work.

Well that sounds like rainbow facism. Lol you don’t agree? Then silence so only our group cult thinking is allowed and protected…
You dont get stronger by being coddled and shut away. People give up freedom for “safty”.
You dint need a corperate entity all about making money to be some form of protective arbiter of justice because that will never happen.

You have a really warped view on things…i recall another few men in history whom created “safe spaces” to reduse types of people…oh what where those dictators names…they always claim the ideas for the greater good too…

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