LGBT+ History Month

Good lord, you do realize the term “cis” has absolutely nothing to do with gender right? How is it being obtuse when it’s literally just a goofy bit of extra thrown onto a term designated by science? Cis has no meaning when it applies to sex because, as I have said before and you keep dancing around, it implies choice where none is to be had.

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Your comment that you preferred to not see yourself reflected in game in a conversation about people wanting to see themselves, LGBTQ characters, in game inferred it. If it wasn’t, I apologize.

And here I am fresh out of a time out and unable to post gifs. :frowning:

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Yesterday you were saying it was a made up word. That it was a made up word until I lead you into googling it. But guess what? That’s the word that was chosen for this. If you are “straight and never changed your assigned at birth gender” that’s fine but instead of saying all of that we are going to call it “cisgendered”.

C i s g e n d e r e d. Unless of course, you can think of another word that can be used instead. Im all ears. Well in this case, eyes. Well?

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Whoa, whoa, whoa. You complain about my use of a word and now you are suddenly throwing “straight” into the mix? I thought I was being obtuse before when I mentioned cisgay? I guess it’s cisgay, cisstraight, cistonkatruck, etc. now.

You know what it’s actually called: male and female. Wow, that was tough. All those syllables really got me.


Okay that doesn’t fill the category for

assigned at birth male
assigned at birth female

Stop acting like your binary dogma is still a thing. This is not the 1950s. And tell me. A word to describe both of those things. Note word, not phrase.

“But you DO have a choice. The choice to stay the gender you were born with, or change it. That is the choice we ALL have.”

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Define “assigned.” Last time I checked, my parents didn’t have to fill out a form to designate my sex at birth. They actually knew my sex before birth when they looked at the ultrasound.

Still waiting for you to stop dancing around the fact cis denotes choice by the way.

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But it is tho

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That is a different scenario. You don’t get that choice until your an adult and that still doesn’t change the fact you are either male or female. If you want to switch later on in life, by all means, but the science hasn’t changed.

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Except you are still not getting it because you are not thinking about what you are saying. All I can say is go back and read what I posted because I don’t feel like typing it over again in a different way.

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I’m pretty sure I’m the only one of the two of us thinking about what I’m saying. Once again, you are still dancing around the fact cis denotes choice.

“It’s still a choice. Whether it comes sooner or later, it’s still a choice you have.”

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That’s still irrelevant because you do not have that choice both before, during, and for years after birth.

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If you are hung up on that so much (bloody hell I am doing it anyway?), then one could say “You chose to not change your gender.”

After all, by not choosing for yourself you still have made a choice.

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Incorrect because I didn’t have the choice to begin with.

“But You Still Have That Choice. That is my point. It IS a choice that you can decide on. That makes it relevant.”

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I mean it’s not because you are trying to compare a prebirth infant to a fully grown adult.

We want more than crumbs. It is not being greedy to want more than crumbs.

Actually straight and cis aren’t the same thing. Straight looks at who a person is attracted to while cis is how a person identifies as gender. I am a gay cis male because I identify as the gender I was identified at at birth. So, yes, cis actually does have a meaning.

Cuppas 'ere, come get yer free cuppas 'ere. Hot, iced, fresh! Cuppas! Cuppas! :coffee:

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“I am not. I am just saying that you still have a choice, even if it is not available until later in life, you can STILL CHOOSE. That makes it a choice.”