LGBT+ History Month

I think 90% of the toys and fun transformation stuff we get are for player enjoyment not because they actually exist in WoW lore but w/e, as someone already said we do not need a character whose sole purpose is to say "hi my name is mark and what makes me special is that I am gay :slight_smile: "

I don’t need representation in the game, I’m happy being a homosexual male IRL, I just want disc priest to be playable in keys without being discriminated against just because a holy pally can do 10 times the dps I bring while being actually able to heal every affix without praying to the light everything goes well.


Is santa claus arthas? D:

I would argue that “more important things going on” is a symptom of a bad, railroaded story. This is “World” of Warcraft, after all. There’s supposed to be an entire world out there full of people living their lives. I think that if we want a better story in this game, we actually need to get away from stuff like that.

Also, if there’s no way to confirm that a character is LGBT+ and it’s just speculation, that doesn’t really count as representation.

Well hold on. If that is true, that would imply that more people feel comfortable talking about these things publicly. You would think that in a world where you can literally magically change your sex on a whim, there would be examples of that we could conclusively point to.

Assuming it wasn’t stigmatized such that characters felt compelled to hide it.


It’s implied. It’s hinted. It is extremely, extremely rarely put in explicitly. My standard isn’t arbitrary - it’s also not on the floor.

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No one is forcing the straight cis people to be anything though. It’s wonderful you live in an open and accepting area but it isn’t like that for everyone. A lot of places only got accepting when LGBT movements demanded rights and visibility. Cis straight people do not really have a great history of giving LGBT people rights unless we fight for them.


And? It’s still represented.

I wish people would stop with the “cis” garbage. It’s a made up word that means absolutely nothing. Its straight male/female, that’s it.


Why not come up with a new thing to call it then?

New name to call what? Straight is what it’s called. Dafudge?

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Ah. Its still called cis then. Gee I wonder how this works.

“What does CIS stand for any way? Is it an acronym?”

Its not a made up word either. It means you are running with the gender you were assumed at birth. Doesn’t have to be a bad thing, some people just get referred to as “cis-gendered” and immediately their brain goes into input or filter. …if it doesn’t catch fire first.

“I was just wondering if the letters stand for a phrase. Like C(rest of word) I(rest of word) S(rest of word). That’s all.”

How about no and the reason is simple china wont allow it.

Cisgender has its origin in the Latin-derived prefix cis-, meaning “on this side of”, which is the opposite of trans-, meaning “across from” or “on the other side of”. Cisgender is a term for people whose gender identity matches the sex that they were assigned at birth. Transgender people have a gender identity or gender expression that differs from their sex assigned at birth.


“Thank you.”

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I’m so confused. :crazy_face:

I’m playing a fantasy game. I don’t see myself reflected and would prefer not to. I’m here for escapism and enjoyment, not a representation of real life.

Look at my character. I’m a purple elf with a fanged hood that transforms into animals and uses magic lol

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It’s made up in the fact it does absolutely nothing. It’s just another goofy way of redefining who people are. It’s a term being forced upon anyone that just so happens to not be trans. And they wonder why it’s so hard to get people to accept them.


Cisgender just means normal.