LGBT+ History Month

Imagine if your history month paralleled an infectious disease

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rules/laws and morals aren’t the same thing.

there are plenty of laws which i find morally objectionable.

i can’t steal from the rich to give to the poor… even though i find that law to be morally wrong.

that law isn’t going to change just because i find it morally wrong that people can hoard money, while other people sleep on the street with no food… and regardless of how many people feel the same way I do, that won’t change, because the people with money have the power to stop it happening.

next year, COVID-19 will be a pretty big page in those history books :sob:

I’ve stated this repeatedly…

indeed, gun control comes to mind

Theft is theft, but okay

sure it can. you have your little communist revolution, change the laws and steal all the wealth of those whom were more successful than you.

I think you’ve wandered away from the point, which you already agreed with me on. Morality isn’t legality and vice versa. I’ve said that from the outset, I’ve simply said morality INFORMS laws. You understand that concept right?


I’m afraid I don’t understand. Is it possible to satisfy my intent but fail at the standard? I would hope that my intent and my standard were one in the same.

If blizzard did this (of which I start with no faith to speak of), I would hope it is because they genuinely want to tell a meaningful story with it. It shouldn’t be a joke and it shouldn’t be for “reprsentation” reasons and it damn sure shouldn’t be for virtue signaling.

It’s why I don’t think they can ever do it right.

Progress would be equality, not that the New World Order is “X, accept or face consequence”. This sounds suspiciously authoritarian.


Weird, in all the years of playing D&D and WoW, and reading about it, I’ve known/seen numerous people who put part of themselves into the characters they play.

True, but seeing how this went on for days there’s a chance it’s been looked at by more than one person. Whether it was done for good or bad really isn’t up to you, though. If it’s against the rules go ahead and flag it and move on. You aren’t the police. As long as it’s here it belongs here. If you don’t want to see it may I suggest muting the thread?

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“If the Thread broke the Rules, it would be gone by now. Clearly it’s just a few posters that broke the rules. Their posts have been removed, and the thread is still here. Clearly The Mods disagree with you.”


If yall wanted gay relationships in the game, you should have been around 15 years ago. At this point, I think Blizzard is just trying not to alienate as many people as possible. Adding them now would just feel like checking off a box because there is no way it’s going to bring in enough players to balance out the ones it pushes out, those that see it as another example of political correctness gone astray.

Why not just leave things the way they are. I don’t wanna see that stuff. Maybe others do. So its not here now, people asking for this to please them is forcing me to look at it.

So because i don’t wanna see that kinda stuff, you guys cant be ok with that? Can’t just let the game be as is? Leave wow alone when it goes to that kinda stuff.

“Why not let us ALL have fun too? You don’t want to see it, then don’t look. That is what you guys are telling THEM about Straight Relationships in the game, so it goes both ways. You don’t like it, just ignore it, and go on with your fun.”

“Stop being such a wet blanket.”

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To be fair, I don’t want straight relationships in this game either. Blizzard does horrible romance writing.

Tyranduh. I neeeeeeed you.


Bigots and activists abound. Here I stand, a random gay Florida Man in the middle of it all, and all I want is PvP vendors. :man_shrugging:

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putting everything in quotes has done nothing but confuse me the entire time reading those posts lmao, thought they were quoting something/someone before i realized they were just being mental for no discernible reason


“I am NOT ‘just being mental’. It is an old posting habit that I have had for over 30 years now. Long before I even knew what RPing was. Just ignore it.”

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I’ve missed you Cyndilou. (I’ve not been coming to the forums so much.) And don’t let the twerps get you down. :grin:

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“Thank you, and I won’t. I am more stubborn than a country mule.”


Why is this backkkkkkk

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No we aren’t and I think you know it. Out of 15+ years worth of content we have, what, a dozen examples of implied LGBT content. That isn’t even 3%.

Eh? You gave the numbers and since there are gay npcs in the game, based on known npcs, it’s probably pretty darn close to representative of the actual population. There are a ton of npcs that are unknown so at that point, you just use your imagination.

If it’s 5%, that’s 1/20. Do you really want to try and say that of the romantic relationships you see in game that 1/20 of them feature actual LGBT couples.

“Just pretend that everyone who isn’t explicitly straight is gay!” is also a terrible thing to say. You’re telling me that you don’t feel that getting actual representation matters because I can just use the power of imagination.

I am comfortable with my sexuality but this kind of visibility can mean the world to someone who isn’t or who is just figuring themselves out. Maybe for some it’s “irritating politics being shoved down their throat” but for some it’s knowing you aren’t alone. And for some, it can feel very lonely despite the fact that some people make gays sounds omnipresent and oppressive.


is it ok to be straight heterosexual these days by the way?