LGBT+ History Month

I’d be perfectly fine with that tbh, I hate Valentines Day and that in game Holiday. So I’m all for the removal lol.

I really want to see the Wrathion & Anduin come to pass… They like each other, they fought, now they are making up… I can see it.


I want to see it just so we can finally get the House of Nobles into the story. I want to see them ree about Anduin refusing to have an heir and forcing him to abdicate. :drooling_face:


I can respect and understand that. lol

My favorite part of that holiday is part of my actual job shows up.

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Azeroth has courts? I thought we just executed people for every crime.


Nope, even Garrosh was put on trial.

Wasn’t that just a plot device for a time travel expansion?

Nah, it’s in a Warcraft novel. “War Crimes”

Yeah, I know. That entire novel exists to set up WoD. It’s just a plot device.

Everything is a plot device lol


Apparently it does but seeing as we kill Hummel maybe we do just execute everyone. :smile:

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Justice is served. Blood for the blood god!

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LOATHE V-day, always have even when I was a kid…saw no point to it, and as I got older just felt like why there should be only 1 specific day where you show the person you love how much you love them…and how card, candy, travel, and jewelry co’s make such a killing during this time…

Don’t get me started on how I got out of my way to avoid any major city during the in game holiday. lolol Only holiday I just despise. lol


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The fact that you like the conversation is irrelevant. The fact is it violates the CoC prohibition against off topic political posts and should be 404’d

if the crime is usury this is a just and responisble punishment

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Thankfully Blizz disagrees, otherwise the thread would be gone. Moderators are aware because it’s open and scrubbed of some of the unsavory comments. Saying something is political doesn’t make it so.

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Weird, I’ve always gone the opposite way; I’m not a Gnome, female or a death knight.

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Moderators are not infallible not even as a group. No one is. That a moderator or group of moderators has a political agenda and a bias is still irrelevant. The letter of the written word of the company’s policy towards posts in the General Discussion Forum should be what governs and what is adhered to. Notice I said SHOULD. Under ideal circumstances the person who opened the thread would be given a forum vacation and the thread would disappear as LGBTQ+ topics would be presumed off topic as it does NOT relate to world of warcraft no matter how much the company or the developers or the players think it should. If it isn’t about the game it does NOT belong.

Forum Moderator Note: Post edited to remove inappropriate fake acronym.


whose morals?

just because someones morals make them think it’s ok to do a thing, doesn’t mean the law feels the same way.

society has a set of rules… in the form of laws… which apply to everyone.

if you do something which goes against those laws, you can’t simply claim that it’s ok because you find the law morally objectionable.

A set of rules, aka morals. The morals inform the laws. yes, morality came before legal codification.

Not, but you can, you know, use your morals to have those laws repealed, which happens all the time.

Morality and Legality are not the same. In the west, there are many things that are perfectly legal and completely amoral, like private equity rackets and usury. There are also moral things that are not codified into law, like charitable donations.
Whose morals inform them? That’s where culture plays a role.