LGBT+ History Month

Just seems to me like you can’t explain the joke without having to admit it does have a negative message :man_shrugging:

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Nah, you would just have to have a different view of the world outside of your little bubble. There is a huge grey area on either side of racist, homophobic, etc., you just can’t see it, hence why you automatically attack. The fact you couldn’t even respond to my comedian comment tells me everything I need to know.

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I’m pretty open minded which is why I want you to explain your view. Let me know if you want me to explain my logic as well. As for the comedian comment, give me an example. Not all race jokes are… equal.

Clearly you aren’t since you automatically went into defense mode for something that wasn’t even targeted in your direction. You were offended by a sarcastic comment because you wanted to be offended, nothing more.


Okay, so you don’t want to explain. That’s fine. I’ll keep my opinion as is.

That’s the point, I shouldn’t have to explain. I mean, you seriously look at that dudes posts about the virus and assume he is racist. Just…wow.

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More people haven’t called him out because he isn’t doing anything wrong friend, it seems you are just being offended for the sake of being offended probably to demonize him for not agreeing fully with the thread ect

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Sorry, I just don’t see it like that. Not his posts anyway. I understand “no thanks because blah blah blah,” but he’s like “gays wanna get rid of heteros grrrr.” Of course I’m gonna demonize someone who’s trying to demonize me

If you understood more about political correctness, you would see why that comment is sarcastic.


i’ma just leave this here and go


Lol only the naked part is true

Oh, dear. You’re not even wearing clothes when you’re refusing to shower?


That’s not what I meant but uh sure

I’ll admit it was a fun thread. Have a cuppa. :coffee:

Thanks, buddy. Gotta admit, I’m impressed by the guy that went without a shower for 3+ years lmao

I’m hoping he was making it up.

If he’s not, I’m hoping for a nuclear apocalypse to purify the world from our real life G’huun.


gotta save the earth somehow and if thats by not showering or using toilet paper than by god thats what ill do

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Very kind of you to donate your living body to reproducing insects and bacterial mounds. Not sure if it’ll help save the planet, but you are a truly selfless soul :wink:

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You mean… Wrathion and Anduin arent gay for each other? shoot… i ship them hardcore. I mean we technically already have bestiality with Jaina and Kalec… before she broke up with him. But no lgbt relationships which is :(:frowning: I genuinely would like to see a real same sex relationship, preferably gay not lesbian since ive seen that in overwatch already. Man on man action please.

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got milk story had a 3 way between a human male a female cow and a male cow isnt this close enough