LGBT+ History Month

How about no, Keep your petty politics out of WoW.


What’s one more cup when I’m already unable to sleep because of the last one? :sweat_smile:

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it’s really not.

do you do any research when you go out to buy a shirt?

do you have any idea of the conditions of the workers at each stage of the production?

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The rationale for this irl is that the human brain is not fully developed until around the ages of 17-24 roundabout. But, it’s different for every person. Which is why you’re not legally allowed to drink or smoke until you’re 18-21 depending on the area.

That being said: There’s nothing about medical transition that is irreversible that you can do before you’re 18. You can start hormone blockers at puberty onset. It prevents puberty only insofar as you continue taking the medicine. If it’s not actually who you are, you can stop anytime.

At a certain point, you can then start cross-sex hormones, which, again, are not irreversible. The only things that ARE irreversible are not legally available before the age of 18. Which, imo, is fine.

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Yes, it actually is. Your counterpoints are responses to an entirely different question. The question, “Is it okay for me to enslave another person?” is very easily answered by the golden rule. If the answer to, “Would I find it acceptable to be enslaved by another person?” is No, then the answer to, “Is it okay for me to enslave another person?” is also No.

What you’re answering there is, “Is it ethical to purchase a product created by a manufacturer that does not provide its employees a living wage?”

That’s a very different question, and a much, much more complicated one.

if the stuff you buy isn’t ethically sourced, you are contributing to slavery.

just because you don’t keep your own private slave, doesn’t make it ok.

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It’s still a different question due to the number of variables. In my example, there are only two – the prospective slave and the prospective owner. On an individual level, it’s very easy to do.

You’re introducing a host of other factors that aren’t a part of my supposition, then stating that my supposition is incorrect on that basis. What you’re actually doing is mischaracterizing my supposition, then arguing against that mischaracterization. It’s a strawman argument.

If we want to head into the realm of muddy waters, it’d be better to ask something that contains an actual dilemma, such as, “Is it acceptable to kill a person if in so doing you free a larger number of persons from the yoke of slavery?” which itself is just a slight turn on the old, “Is it moral to push the fat person onto the train tracks (their bulk will stop the train) if in so doing you save the five people tied to the tracks ahead?”

not sure how you made the jump from slavery to murder.

it’s the laws of the land which make it right or wrong.

not polls or my feelings.
there are places where if slavery didn’t exist, the people who become slaves would be left to die horrible deaths.

when people have a choice between a horrible death, or horrible life, they often choose life.

regardless, this thread isn’t about slavery
 i’m not sure of the relevance of this line of questioning?

“Practice what you preach. Live and LET LIVE. That goes for everyone.”


After reading this thread
 I wish Sargeras won.


So, What is truly wrong with people wanting representation of their lifestyles in game? It isn’t forcing you to see it, its just being inclusive. There is no such thing as taking away from others by including new things


Well, they already are in game so
mission accomplished?

It’s always abundantly clear when someone’s information on a game comes solely from loudmouthed bigots like the Quartering.


You folks desperately need a new tag line.


PSA: You could always go to where you choose your notifications underneath where you comment, and click the drop down arrow and select “Mute” which will remove this thread from ever crossing your path again if it offends you or strikes a nerve

This is a public forum under General Discussion. This thread is here not only as a request, but is chalked full of ppl simply having conversations, and just so happen to fall under a label you apparently find offensive. My suggestion to you above seems to be the perfect resolution for your issue here. Good luck in your decision making from here on out.



There are plenty of romances in WoW and majority of them have nothing to do with story progression, even through questlines not too important in lore

The fact you don’t know yet is fabulous. Also considering no one exactly talks about romance in WoW story progress is because it isn’t needed. Which means there is quite a few questionable ideas with pairings that don’t have lore connections or interests.

Also the games about monsters and gear not love and the community is certainly there represented quite a bit more then people realize in game.

The reason is because Wraithon just got back obviously.

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There’s a server called Moonguard go to Goldshire, they have plenty of your representation.

No, it’s the laws of the land that make it legal or illegal. Laws can be informed by morality, but legality is not morality, never has been, never will be. Codified law recognises ‘malum in se’ acts, like murder, rape, theft as separate from ‘malum prohibitum’ acts like possession of controlled substances or tax evasion.

We haves belfs.

and Orcs.

Typical short-sightedness and lack of intelligence; a deep desire to commit child abuse is NOT a sexual orientation.

so stay out of Goldshire and you’re good.


I love Scissor Sisters!

If you think the game is only about monsters and gear, that’s fine, but please don’t think that’s the case for a lot of people out there because there’s A LOT more to WoW then monsters and gear. There’s interest in the lore, various individual characters, pet collecting, role playing. It goes on. Yes, there are some LGBTQ characters but for the most part they are kinda hidden, the jewelcrafting quest, and Paladin Marcus, from the steamy romance novels, showing up in between a male and female Tauren in Legion. There are countless characters who are husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend. For a good number of players they would like to see additional diversity.

I’m not sure how familiar you are with this specific thread, but it’s been locked numerous times for unfair reasons. Blizz has seen right to keep it up and allow a civil discussion. Seeing how even after all those days being locked, and a mod scrubbing certain comments, it’s still not easy to hold that conversation. To me that shows maybe they should add those characters despite those being against.

Also, to those against romance in WoW are you calling for the removal of the Love is in the Air holiday? I mean it’s an entire holiday dedicated to love and romance. :heart: