🚿 What's the longest you've gone without showering?

Because of gaming? My high score is 1 month. Now with quarantine ima push it to 2 :sunglasses:


Thanks for reminding me it’s Sunday. Losing track of time working from home.


Not something to be proud of, lol.
A few days only 'cause it was when I went camping. That’s about it.
The lazy days or hung over days happen too so no biggie.


I went 3 days once because I was super sick


You went a month without a shower? What the fel…


I have to shower every day or else my hair starts looking like it’s stuck together and greasy. I have no idea why this happens. I work from an office and come home to play WoW.

Yes, I’ve tried different shampoos and I more often than not just resort to shaving my head.


Well, this wins disgusting topic of the day.

On a slightly more positive note: Scientists say that if you go over a month without showering, your skin builds up a type of bacteria that neutralizes odors, some kind of natural defense, so you probably wouldnt stink as much as you’d think, but probably not smell good at all either.


3 whole months.


Do you use conditioner? Do you have short hair?

Conditioner with short hair will cause your hair to get greasy much quicker. Better to use shampoo with no conditioner unless you have relatively long hair, and even then only condition the ends and not the scalp.

Damn, then Asmongold should smell like… :sunflower:

Nope… :wilted_flower:

I can’t imagine the raunchy stench of not showering for over a month… no thanks :slight_smile:

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Welll, I was like 6-7. My mom kept trying to get me in the bath. She carried me over but i would run away naked. Uh, don’t tell anyone.

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on topic: I tend to shower every other day, and never have issues with body odor. I’ll shower more often when having to deal with certain things like garbage, sewage, or profusely sweating (My job requires those things sometimes). Showering every single day, unless you’re naturally odorous and working in close proximity to others, is probably just a waste of water and power.

I think the longest I’ve ever gone without a shower was a couple weeks, but I was camping in the mountains and dipped in the river a couple of times to rinse off. Nobody else around had to smell me either =P

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12 hours. I can’t stand being dirty or smelly.


I hope Darwinism cleanses you.


Uh I went a few weeks once when I was super sick and in the hospital for part of it…

Other than that I don’t think I’ve ever gone more than a day or 2 between showers.

Maybe 2 days?

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First off, eww! Secondly, I shower every day.


We need to find a resto shaman to drown you. >.>

I shower every night. My hair doesn’t agree with me if I skip a day and it just feels nice going to bed clean. On rare occasions have I ever skipped one, but nothing more than a day.

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I think being sick or after some operation or whatever shouldn’t count :stuck_out_tongue: Then I think mine would change since I was in and out of the Hospital when I was a kid so who knows. Anyways… still a weird topic but who cares lol :stuck_out_tongue:

You must smell like tuna