LGBT+ History Month

This is actually precisely how I feel about this topic, and it truly makes me sad when people demonize someone that feels this way, usually because they don’t explain it right.

You explained it perfectly.

There are A LOT of LGBT+ people. Most estimates places the population counts at around 3-5% but those are only people who openly identify as a member of the community. There are people who cannot (safety reasons) or do not (in denial among other possibilities) so perhaps there are more than that. Still, if we assume there’s about 5% of the population that’s over 16 million LGBT people in the US (assuming a population of 327 million). Pretty sure that’s more than some states’ population.

We aren’t some random group, bro. We’ve been here since the dawn of time and we will continue to be here.

As a side note, our existence is not “politics.” We exist, we are people. We are not a political statement. Asking to be seen is not “bringing politics in” more than asking for diverse skin tones is bringing politics in.


Because people are clearly interested in it and Blizz has allowed it to exist despite those who have tried to get it taken down. If Blizz had a problem with anything LGBTQ related they wouldn’t have introduced multiple key characters in some of their games or picked The Trevor Project as a charity to donate money to not long ago. WoW is huge and full of so many different types of people. There’s plenty of room to add all sorts of NPCs from different backgrounds. :smiley:

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Well if you are going by population numbers, that would mean you already have equal representation in the game, or darn close to it, based on the number of NPCs and the fact there are gay characters in the game already.

No we dont. Quit forcing this issue everywhere. Live and let live.

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It’s simply not enough to be accepted anymore. We need it unavoidable and up in the faces of every heterosexual until it is revered as the special victim class it deserves.

People need to get onboard with progress. The new world order is queer, either accept or face the consequences. It’s 2020 for crying out loud

You have got to be one of the worst trolls on here. Both racist and homophobic. SMH

Uh…who are you replying to lol?

Bergstein. He’s posted some terrible stuff before. I’m surprised not more ppl have called him out.

Yeah, still trying to find the racist. I went through some of his post history and it’s the complete opposite. Sounds to me you are just attacking with no objective.


Dude, he’s comparing the friggin coronavirus to people. He’s pretending like some how having more than one race in one place is bad. That’s seem p racist to me.

Oof, I see someone doesn’t recognize sarcasm when they see it.

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I’ve seen too many times that “sarcasm” and “satire” are used to just be outright hateful. What’s this guy’s sarcasm implying? What I said above yes? Is that not racist?

No because what you are talking about doesn’t exist lol.

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Valyntina is being bigoted. I’m a proud non binary genderfluid being that fully supports the rainbow revolution. Step aside or be trampled.

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Do you really not see how he’s trying to demonize people with his “sarcasm”

Makes fun of non binary people

Then makes it seem like we’re some kind of evil out to conquer the world. That’s not what this is about. We’re not some evil boogey men. We just wanna be accpeted.

All I see is sarcastic jokes because I’m an adult and have enough experience with the world to realize not everything is black and white. I’m going to assume that you think most comedians are racist too if they make a race joke.

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If people want it in game what’s the issue? It’s natural to want to see yourself in an RPG. Kinda odd you telling people to stop forcing something and follow it up with

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Mkay if it’s such a funny joke can you explain the punchline to me? Maybe it’s because I’m the one being made fun of I don’t get. Give me your perspective.

It would take way too long to explain to someone that is automatically offended by every little thing they perceive as offensive when it isn’t warranted. You are seriously clutching your pearls over words on a forum with zero context and zero knowledge of the person behind them. It would be amusing if it wasn’t so sad.