LFG is superior to RDF

Why should we have to compromise in order to get an authentic WotLK feature?


So far this thread has been liked by a minimum of 4 of your alts, and 3 of nysienes alts

Imagine assuming people are alts of each other instead of just admitting that people can enjoy LFG as well, this level of mental gymnastic people do is entertaining but it has stop because it only makes your side look like a bully.

Let people have their opinion and stop trying to bully people by false reporting them.


Blizzard you are wrong bring back RDF please. Might as well nip this in the bud now before you have to roll it back later.

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Because you’re the one arguing for a change in the current game direction. You haven’t much ground to stand on to make demands.


Its not imagining anything, its a fact. Its also a fact that in a thread you claim is showing lots of support, a comment saying to report the troll and move on has more unique individual likes than your own post does.

This makes no sense, every like is an unique individual like and just like how you accuse people who enjoy LFG of having alts how can this not also be true for the RDF side? This double standard is what makes your position weak.

Logically speaking we need to work on making LFG better, not trying to live in the past and make RDF a thing.


By “social interaction”, you mean how people just whisper “inv” and then proceed to not communicate in the group, anyway?

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Your alts do not count as unique individuals.


This is crazy.

The majority of pro-RDF people I’ve seen have all been willing to compromise on one or more features.

Most people just want the automation of group forming that RDF provides.

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that lfg tool in retai. There is zero social interactions anyway, people don’t even say “hi”

I for one agree that RDF is totally not trolling on various alts, and they are totally unique, and definitely not sock puppets. No one could go make a quick level 10 allied race to post on.

I will leave you with this:

And in this post alone multiple people who have liked my posts have completely different post histories, and are in active guilds and are all real people.

You have to be an absolute conspiracy theorist if you think anyone that disagrees with you is an alt of some kind. :man_facepalming:

The Pro-LFG folks want this too, so why not work on making LFG better as RDF is off the table? We can provide feedback to improve it.

If you are group leader you can decide to kick people who do not vibe with your party type, you can just add in Chill group/etc in the LFG to let people know and it’s fully within your right to remove those from your party who you do not want to spend time with.

Even if you’re not a group leader you have the agency to leave.

If you want social interaction you have to interact with others yourself first, so form a group that suits your interest. That’s the magic of LFG and the Classic experience.


So you would be cool with RDF launching in a year with ICC?

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nah, this is not how it will work at all. People will invite based on linked achievs and gearscore, that’s it. And everyone will be silent, because classic players = retail players. Maybe classic players a bit greedier (thanks gdkp)

This has got to be a joke, right? It’s been up for days on the PTR and LFG is still filled with Barrens-worthy garbage.


I dont think that anyone who disagrees with me is an alt. I do know though that you have atleast 4 of your alts liking your post.

Guys, there is no way people could go make a level 10 allied race to post on, every person replying and liking is totally different people

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This will not happen as much, the min/max type will exist but something to take into account is that the majority of Classic players are older and want a casual experience which is what LFG tool will cater to.

There might be groups that are strictly meant for high geared/skilled players but many will just want to run alts and new players/etc since that’s who primarily plays Classic.

This is due to low amount of invites, I believe once polished and released it will be a success with the general population.



Dude you are so right