LFG is superior to RDF

Oh great more conspiracy theories :roll_eyes:

You guys just can’t admit people like LFG…

It’s the implementation of it that makes sense, if you think about how this will play out in Classic then you can easily predict the future which is what Blizzard had in mind.

What do you mean? You can still communicate with the leader and leader can with the invitee. It’s the same thing but more automated and modernized.

Listen if you decide to troll go for it, you can but people will learn and grow to min/max and a social meta will be formed around how to get into groups the fastest/easiest.

Ultimately just make your own group imo.


Earlier in the thread I called him out for being all those people and he responded ‘It’s been proven that’s not me’ and then instantly started liking his own posts with those alts.

Like I said…these trolls have no shame. But this has been reported, so time to move on. Until he makes his next troll thread, which won’t be long.


How can I control who likes my posts? This idea that anyone that enjoys LFG is some type of alt/troll is very rude.

My post is genuine feedback and I hope it is received by the appropriate people so hopefully they know to keep RDF out of our game and to keep working on making LFG smoother and sleeker for the Classic audience to enjoy!


Just wanted to leave this here.


I appreciate your feedback here and while I disagree, personally think the tool needs a fair bit of work, I do have a similar hope that it gets improved as we get closer to wrath.

It’s also extremely disrespectful to all you clowns who fake report this guy for posting feedback on the tool. I don’t care how much you love rdf, xmog, LFR, or whatever other retail tool you want in the game. Let the dude share his feedback to make the game better.


Back after your 1 week forum suspension and immediately go straight to trolling again eh

Enjoy your 1 month sussy dude. See you in September.


He literally just came off a 7 day sussy about to catch a month or a perm.




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Probably has a spreadsheet of how many yards he will have to mow to get a couple more accounts


Thank you for your support and the crazy part is that even if they’re against me I will still fight for their right to freedom of speech.

I just wish they felt the same and didn’t constantly try to silence an opinion they didn’t like, I think with work and effort we can help Blizzard refine the tool and maybe even add some things to make it worthwhile.


You’re not trolling it’s just anyone who disagrees with RDF is a troll in the eyes of the idiots.


You are just having a conversation with yourself at this point


“I don’t know why people are mad, I’m just being nice.” -someone stirring the pot probably


Yeah it’s getting harder and harder to have civilized conversation on these forums when people just want to spam “we want RDF” instead of taking the time to listen to the other side.


Most of em don’t want compromise at all. It’s an RDF or nothing argument and there’s no middle ground to be had. That’s why RDF will likely never make it to classic


lol you can tell hes trying so hard not to get banned again


Are you gonna come upvote yourself, and reply to your comment on your alt priest Carl?

I’m not on the Beta, but I went on the PTR and LFG channel was nothing but global troll chat.

This is also why the Devs probably don’t interact too much with the Forum community, a lot of people here are just building an echo chamber and trying to stop opposing opinions. But this thread is showing that there is a lot of support for LFG, so I think people are at least opening their mind to it and seeing that it’s not that bad if they gave it a chance :dracthyr_shrug: