How to report a forum troll

I’m not a moderator for those forums, nor is this how to report Code of Conduct violations so there isn’t much that can be done through this thread. The replies here are mostly to try to provide some direction and understanding of the process…

Just to put it out there. I read general discussion now and then, following specific threads as I can and I often see accusations that X is actually an alt account of Y. Curiosity has often gotten the better of me so I check it out, and can say it is rarely the truth. Perception on the forums can be a little skewed.

Editing this, since it’s been quoted a bit. I didn’t say people do not use alt characters or alt accounts. That does happen, it just doesn’t necessarily happen as often as some seem to think.

That is a valid opinion, Unian, but not everyone in our community feels the same way. I don’t feel a lot of the requests are specifically about halting everything else that is going on, (i.e. the war), but more to incorporate lore and storylines that represent the diversity of the community and provide representation that feels more inclusive. Even with war there is a great deal of living that is going on during and outside of it.