LFG is superior to RDF

I am personally very much against RDF, I find that it cheapens the dungeon experience and ruins social interaction and I agree with Blizzard in removing it.

The new LFG tool however in the WoTLK Beta is actually a great tool, it:

  1. Cleans up LFG chat by forcing you to be in the group finder, which makes it easier for players to report boosters/GDKP spam/etc.
  2. Preserves the Community element of the game as it promotes whispering/interacting with the party leader for an invite spot.
  3. Is fair to all roles, DPS/Healer/Tank/etc.

I primarily played a Warrior Prot and found groups easy but I swapped over to Arms and was still able to get into a lot of groups, I have however noticed that maybe some classes won’t get selected due to meta bias but you can just start your group the same way you do now and the problem can be solved.

Overall I personally think the new LFG system is superior to the old RDF system and I think with enough feedback we can create something that will be enjoyed by many Classic players.


Report the troll and move on.


Excuse me? What did I say that can be seen as trolling… I am just giving feedback on my experience with the WoTLK Beta LFG tool.


I did, guess his temp vacation is over. Hopefully hes onto another one soon.


Great feedback — thanks for sharing. While LFG has its faults, I still prefer it to RDF.

Those faults will surely be hammered out before Classic Wrath releases anyway. We are still in beta after all.


you must not be the beta or had any experience with their new LFG tool because its terrible


Of course!

Yes I agree, the more feedback we can give Blizzard the better imo. I think this is a great tool that will help a great deal of players accomplishing their dungeon related goals.

Could you elaborate? I am on the Beta and have tested it on two different specs:

  1. Arms Warrior
  2. Prot Warrior

Although the Prot warrior did fill groups faster due to being a tank role, the Arms did take longer but I was able to form my own group to circumvent the wait.

I believe the new system is the perfect compromise.


We want LFD/RDF. :cherry_blossom:


Oh look, this guy is back. He makes troll threads as LFD, LFR, RDF, GDKP and probably other alts as well.


This has been proven to be false already, those names are very popular and it could be more than one person but for me I just happen to like the name RDF :dracthyr_shrug:

Also how is this a troll thread?

I am simply giving feedback on the WoTLK Beta LFG tool just like everyone else, so I don’t quite understand the hostility.


stop trolling over and over


Less than 15 mins and its already hidden lol


I am utterly baffled, nothing in my post is a troll yet there seems to be a concentrated effort to target posts that support the new LFG tool and they will do everything in their power to minimize your voice if you go against their opinion.

It’s OK for me to enjoy the new LFG tool, I think all Blizzard needs is useful feedback and they can figure out what they want to do in order to refine it before release.

Feedback like mine helps them make decisions and I deserve the voice to say them.


Dont worry, you had your voice for 10 mins

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If anything you need to be banned for alt post spamming.
You have like 10 alts my guy lmao.


Proof? Calling someone a troll or accusing them of having alts is a very serious allegation when they are simply just voicing an honest and genuine opinion. You are dismissing an opinion you dislike because you’re so brainwashed to believe RFD was great that you can’t accept LFG is even better.

I respect your right to say RDF is better but you have to respect my right to say LFG is better. That’s free speech.


That’s true of most of the anti-lfd posters. In the last few days I’ve seen threads made by people who used a dozen alts to like their own posts and even to post in their own threads to agree with themselves.

They have no shame.


How can you tell? There’s barely anyone on the Beta so there’s absolutely no metric for how much, if at all, it would clean up LFG chat.

No. Just no. If anything the current tool we have now is better at promoting whispers since it doesn’t have a request invite feature bypassing any and all interactions for a group invite.

Super fair. So fair in fact I can sign up as a Healer on my Warlock, and as a Tank on my Rogue.

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I know right?
I mean look at the likes he has in response to me. It’s all him LOL.


Oh geez hes started liking his own post now lol